Adam, Christian and Münch, Matthias and Kleinschnittger, Patrick and Barth, Tobias and Schulz, Arndt-Peter and Bahr, Andreas and Krautschneider, WolfgangRapid prototyping of molds for the encapsulation of electronic implants using additive manufacturingArtikel in "Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine", vol. 6, Nr. 1, p. 1--8, 2024
Rieseler, Jonas David and Adam, Christian and Bahr, Andreas and Kuhl, MatthiasA Compressed Sensing Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Concept for Massively Parallel RecordingsIn Tagungsband "2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)", 2024, p. 1--5
ISSN: 2158-1525
Yang, Cheng and Adam, Christian and Götschel, SebastianComplex Near-Field Measurement Using On-The-Fly Scan with In-phase and Quadrature DemodulationIn Tagungsband "2024 15th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC)", 2024, p. 181-184
Duisburg, Germany, 2024

Yang, Cheng and Adam, Christian and Götschel, SebastianSingle-probe Near-field Phase Retrieval using On-The-Fly Scan and Hilbert TransformIn Tagungsband "2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe", 2023, p. 1--6
ISSN: 2325-0364
Singer, Julian A. and Stramm, Till and Fasel, Jens and Schween, Oliver and Gelaeschus, Anton and Bahr, Andreas and Kuhl, MatthiasFlexible Polymer Optical Waveguides for Integrated Optogenetic Brain ImplantsIn Tagungsband "2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS)", 2023
2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS)
Kim Allinger, Matthias KuhlA closed-loop 12bit CMOS-integrated stress sensor system with 4bit adjustable sensitivity from 178-11kPa/LSB at up to 22.5kSa/s and 5bit dynamic range adjustmentIn Tagungsband "2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)", 2023
February 19-23, 2023 San Francisco, CA
Mohammad Sadeghi, Eric Elzenheimer, Henrik Wolframm, Johan Arbustini, Angeles De la Cruz-García, Christine Selhuber-Unkel, Andreas Bahr, Michael Höft, Gerhard Schmidt, Franz FaupelQuantitative Evaluation of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bio-imaging by Magnetoelectric Thin-Film SensorIn Tagungsband "57th DGBMT Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering", 2023
26.-28.09.2023, Duisburg, Germany (accepted)
MD Wasif Absar, Anton Gelaeschus, Julian Singer, Andreas BahrUltra-Low Frequency Digital Controlled Oscillator using CMOS Thyristor Based Delay ElementsIn Tagungsband "Analog Workshop 2023", 2023
Analog Workshop, München, 2023

Barth, Tobias and Münch, Matthias and Seide, Klaus and Adam, Christian and Krautschneider, Wolfgang and Schulz, Arndt-PeterAdditive manufactured versus traditional osteosynthesis plates - a finite element analysisArtikel in "Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine", vol. 4, Nr. 1, p. 644--644, 2022
Number: 1
Patrick Kleinschnittger, Andreas Bahr, Wolfang KrautschneiderAnregungsimpulsbasierte Impedanzspektroskopie alkalischer und erdalkalischer Lösungenaug 2022
Beim Biosignale Workshop 2022
Nico Hinz, Julius Dehoust, Matthias Münch, Klaus Seide, Tobias Barth, Arndt Peter Schulz, Karl-Heinz Frosch, Maximilian HartelBiomechanical analysis of fixation methods in acetabular fractures : a systematic review of test setupsArtikel in "European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery", vol. 48, p. 3541-3560, 2022
Lukas Rennpferdt, Patrick Kleinschnittger, Andreas Bahr, Hoc Khiem Trieu3D printed silicone spinal cord implant withsub-millimeter feature sizeArtikel in "Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine", vol. 4, Nr. 1, 2022

Adam, Christian and Barth, Tobias and Münch, Matthias and Seide, Klaus and Krautschneider, Wolfgang H.An Electronic Osteosynthesis Implant for Continuous Load Monitoring using a Strain GaugeIn Tagungsband "2021 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS)", 2021, p. 01-06
2021 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Berlin, 7.-9. October 2021
Faragalla, Mohamed and Krautschneider, Wolfgang and Kuhl, MatthiasLow-Leakage Differential-Drive Rectifier as 13.56 MHz Inductive Energy Harvester for Deep Medical Implants with Field Exposure ComplianceIn Tagungsband "2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)", 2021, p. 1-5
Korea, 22-28 May 2021
Singer, Julian A. and Gelaeschus, Anton and Schuster, Christian and Trieu, Hoc Khiem and Kuhl, MatthiasIntegrierte optoelektronische Systeme basierend auf hochempfindlichen Einzelphotonendetektoren für optogenetische AnwendungenIn Tagungsband "Mikroelektronik, Mikrosystemtechnik und ihre Anwendungen - Innovative Produkte für zukunftsfahige Markte - MikroSystemTechnik Congress 2021", 2021, p. 212--215
MST Kongress 2021

Kuhl, Juliane and Mendoza Ponce, Pablo Daniel and Krautschneider, Wolfgang and Krause, DieterAdditively manufactured anatomical heart model for performance evaluation of aortic valve implantsArtikel in "Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine", vol. 2, Nr. 1, 2020
Pablo Mendoza Ponce, Gayas Sayed, Lait Abu Saleh, Wolfgang H. Krautschneider and Matthias KuhlA 1.9 nW Timer and Clock Generation Unit for Low Data-Rate Implantable Medical DevicesIn Tagungsband "LASCAS 2020 - 11th IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems" der IEEE, 2020
San José, Costa Rica, 25-28 February 2020
Johan Solis-Arbustini, Pablo Mendoza-Ponce, Wolfgang H. Krautschneider and Matthias KuhlA 16-bits Pressure Sensing Interface Integrating a 460 fJ/conv Incremental Sigma Delta ADC for Medical DevicesIn Tagungsband "LASCAS 2020 - 11th IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems" der IEEE, 2020
San José, Costa Rica, 25-28 February 2020

Mendoza Ponce, Pablo and Abu Saleh, Lait and Krautschneider, Wolfgang and Kuhl, Matthias3D-printing technology as a tool for medical implantable electronic devicesArtikel in "Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine", p. Vol 1 (2019): Trans. AMMM--, 2019
Christian Adam, Michael H. Teyfel and Dietmar SchroederAnalog-to-Probability Conversion - Efficient Extraction of Information Based on Stochastic Signal ModelsIn Tagungsband "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018", Verlag Springer International Publishing (Cham), 2019, p. 583--587, Herausgeber Faragó I., Izsák F., Simon P.
The 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, Budapest, Ungary, 18-22 June 2018
M. Seifaei and D. Schillinger and M. Kuhl and M. Keller and U. Zschieschang and H. Klauk and Y. ManoliModified Bootstrap Switching Scheme for Organic Digital Integrated CircuitsArtikel in "IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters", vol. 2, Nr. 10, p. 219-222, 2019
P. Mendoza-Ponce and G. Sayed and L. A. Saleh and W. H. Krautschneider and M. KuhlA Pressure Sensor with 0.30 mmHg Resolution incorporating a 4.19 pJ/conv Thyristor-based Capacitance-to-Time Converter for Intra-Corporeal Pressure Monitoring ApplicationsIn Tagungsband "2019 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS)", 2019, p. 1-4
IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Nara, Japan, 2019
Butz, Natalie and Kuhl, Matthias and Manoli, YiannosCharge Balancing Circuit, Stimulator Circuit and Method for Charge Balancingapr 2019
US Patent App. 16/217,432
Kuhl, Matthias and Manoli, Yiannos and Plachta, Dennis and Stieglitz, Thomas and Cota, OscarDigital biopotential acquisition system having 8 channelsVerlag Google Patents, feb 2019
US Patent App. 16/078,541

Viviane S. Teixeira, Jan-Patrick Kalckhoff, Wolfgang Krautschneider, Dietmar SchroederBioimpedance Analysis of L929 and HaCaT Cells in Low Frequency RangeIn Tagungsband "Bioimpedance Analysis of L929 and HaCaT Cells in Low Frequency Range" der DGBMT - German Society for Biomedical Engineering (VDE|DGBMT), Verlag De Gruyter, 2018, Nr. 4(1), Serie "1", p. 1-4, Herausgeber Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 2018
BMT 2018 - 52nd DGBMT Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering
P. Mendoza-Ponce and B. John and D. Schroeder and W. H. KrautschneiderSuper-capacitors for implantable medical devices with wireless power transmissionIn Tagungsband "2018 14th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME)", 2018, p. 241-244
2018 14th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME)
Butz, Natalie and Taschwer, Armin and Nessler, Sebastian and Manoli, Yiannos and Kuhl, MatthiasA 22 V Compliant 56$$$$ackslash$mu$$ $ W Twin-Track Active Charge Balancing Enabling 100\% Charge Compensation Even in Monophasic and 36\% Amplitude Correction in Biphasic Neural StimulatorsArtikel in "IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits", vol. 53, Nr. 8, p. 2298--2310, 2018
De Dorigo, Daniel and Moranz, Christian and Graf, Hagen and Marx, Maximilian and Wendler, Daniel and Shui, Boyu and Herbawi, Abdalrahman Sayed and Kuhl, Matthias and Ruther, Patrick and Paul, Oliver and othersFully Immersible Subcortical Neural Probes With Modular Architecture and a Delta-Sigma ADC Integrated Under Each Electrode for Parallel Readout of 144 Recording SitesArtikel in "IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits", vol. 53, Nr. 11, p. 3111--3125, 2018
Juan-Jose Montero-RodriguezImpedance spectroscopy for characterization of biological matterBuch, erschienen bei Logos Berlin (Berlin), vol. 8, Serie "Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Medizinelektronik", 2018, Herausgeber Wolfgang Krautschneider
Seifaei, Masoud and De Dorigo, Daniel and Fleig, David Ingvar and Kuhl, Matthias and Zschieschang, Ute and Klauk, Hagen and Manoli, YiannosStable, Self-Biased and High-Gain Organic Amplifiers with Reduced Parameter Variation EffectIn Tagungsband "2018 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC)" der IEEE, 2018, p. 119--122
De Dorigo, Daniel and Moranz, Christian and Graf, Hagen and Marx, Maximilian and Shui, Boyu and Kuhl, Matthias and Manoli, YiannosA fully immersible deep-brain neural probe with modular architecture and a delta-sigma ADC integrated under each electrode for parallel readout of 144 recording sitesIn Tagungsband "2018 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference-(ISSCC)" der IEEE, 2018, p. 462--464
Shui, Boyu and Keller, Matthias and Kuhl, Matthias and Manoli, YiannosA 70.8 dB 0.0045 mm 2 low-power continuous-time incremental delta-sigma modulator for multi-site neural recording interfacesIn Tagungsband "2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)" der IEEE, 2018, p. 1--4
Butz, Natalie and Kalita, Utpal and Kuhl, Matthias and Manoli, YiannosActive Charge Balancer with 6.6 to 40 V Quad-Rail Power Supply Compliance for Neural StimulatorsIn Tagungsband "2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)" der IEEE, 2018, p. 1--4
Sayed, Gayas Mohiuddin and Mendoza-Ponce, Pablo and Krautschneider, Wolfgang and Kuhl, MatthiasUltra-Low-Power Self-Biased 1 nA Current Reference Circuit for Medical Monitoring Devices in 350 nm and 180 nm CMOS TechnologyIn Tagungsband "ANALOG 2018; 16th GMM/ITG-Symposium" der VDE, 2018, p. 1--4
Bibin John, Clemens Spink, Markus Braunschweig, Rajeev Ranjan, Dietmar Schroeder, Andreas Koops, Gregor Woldt, Ilka Rauh, Andreas Leuzinger, Gerhard Adam, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA Stent Graft Occlusion Detection : Pressure Sensing Implant Device with Inductive Power and Data TelemetryIn Tagungsband "ISCAS 2018, IEEE", 2018
Florence, 27-30 may 2018
Rajeev Ranjan, Mirko Hansen, Pablo Mendoza Ponce, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder, Martin Ziegler, Herman Kohlstedt, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderIntegration of Double Barrier Memristor with Neuron ASIC for Neuromorphic Hardware LearningIn Tagungsband "ISCAS 2018, IEEE", 2018
Florence, 27-30 may 2018

Rajeev Ranjan, Alexandros Kyrmanidis, Wolf Lukas Hellweg, Pablo Mendoza Ponce, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderIntegrated Circuit with Memristor Emulator Array and Neuron Circuits for Biologically Inspired Neuromorphic Pattern RecognitionArtikel in "Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers", vol. 26, Nr. 11, 2017
Diego Lujan VillarrealToward Pixel-wise Vision in Epiretinal Visual ProsthesisDissertation an der TUHH, PhD Dissertation, 2017
Diego Lujan Villarreal, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderBiomimetic Stimulating Array for Single Localized Stimulation in Visual ProsthesisArtikel in "International Journal of Computational & Neural Engineering (IJCNE)", vol. 4, Nr. 3, p. 76-90, 2017
Jonas David Rieseler, Matthias KuhlA Superposition-Based Analog Data Compression Scheme for Massively-Parallel Neural RecordingsIn Tagungsband "2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS)", 2017, p. 1--4, Herausgeber IEEE
Diego Lujan Villarreal, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA Treatise of the Physical Aspects of Phosphenes and Single-Cell Selectivity in Retinal StimulationArtikel in "International Journal of Computational & Neural Engineering (IJCNE)", vol. 4, Nr. 2, p. 55-70, 2017
Bibin JohnSmart system for invasive measurement of biomedical parametersBuch, erschienen bei Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Serie "Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Medizinelektronik, Bd. 7", 2017, Herausgeber Wolfgang Krautschneider
Andreas BahrAufnahme von Hirnsignalen mit extrem miniaturisierten elektronischen Systemen zur Untersuchung von lokalen neuronalen VernetzungenBuch, erschienen bei Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Serie "Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Medizinelektronik, Bd. 6", 2017, Herausgeber Wolfgang Krautschneider
Juan J. Montero-Rodriguez, Adolfo J. Fernández-Castro, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang KrautschneiderDevelopment of an impedance spectroscopy device for on-line cell growth monitoringArtikel in "Electronics Letters", 2017
Enver Solan, Sven Dirkmann, Mirko Hansen, Dietmar Schroeder, Hermann Kohlstedt, Martin Ziegler, Thomas Mussenbrock and Karlheinz OchsAn enhanced lumped element electrical model of a double barrier memristive deviceArtikel in "Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics", vol. 50, Nr. 19, p. 195102, 2017
Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderNeural Recording Integrated Circuit for the Recording of Brain Signals from Neonatal MiceArtikel in "Activity Report 2016, Europractice IC Service", p. 35 - 36, 2017
Viviane Silva Teixeira, Jan-Patrick Kalckhoff, Wolfgang KrautschneiderImpedance Spectroscopy Measurement of Ionic Solutions in order to Distinguish between Different IonsIn Tagungsband "ICTOpen 2017 Conference Proceedings" der NWO, 2017, p. 14-17
Amersfoort, Nederlands, March 21-22, 2017
David Katzmarek, Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderNew Data Recording Plugin for the Integration of an Integrated Circuit for Neural Recordings into the Electrophysiology Open Source User Interface Open EphysIn Tagungsband "ICTOpen 2017 Conference Proceedings", 2017
Amersfoort, The Netherlands, March 21 - 22, 2017
Pablo Mendoza Ponce, Dietmar Schröder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderTrade-off Study on Switched Capacitor Regulators for Implantable Medical DevicesIn Tagungsband "ICTOpen 2017 Conference Proceedings" der NWO, 2017, p. 4-7
Amersfoort, Nederlands, 21-22 March 2017
Cagil Gümüs, Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang KrautschneiderComparison of Single Ended and Differential Signalling for Wired Biomedical Implants Using SPI Communication with Reed Solomon Error Correction CodesIn Tagungsband "Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2017)", 2017, Herausgeber IASTED
Innsbruck, Austria, February 20 - 21, 2017
Meister, Tilo and Ellinger, Frank and Bartha, Johann W and Berroth, Manfred and Burghartz, Joachim and Claus, Martin and Frey, Lothar and Gagliardi, Alessio and Grundmann, Marius and Kuhl, Matthias and othersProgram FFlexCom—High frequency flexible bendable electronics for wireless communication systemsIn Tagungsband "2017 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS)" der IEEE, 2017, p. 1--6
Hafner, Julian and Kuhl, Matthias and Schwaerzle, Michael and Hehn, Thorsten and Rossbach, Daniel and Paul, OliverFabrication of Planar Copper Microcoils for Telemetric Orthodontic ApplicationsIn Tagungsband "Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings", 2017, vol. 1, Nr. 4, p. 571

Butz, Natalie and Kuhl, Matthias and Manoli, YiannosCharge Balancing Circuit, Stimulator Circuit and Method for Charge Balancingdec 2016
US Patent App. 15/173,380
Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu Saleh, Robin Hinsch, Dietmar Schroeder, Dirk Isbrandt and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderSmall Area, Low Power Neural Recording Integrated Circuit in 130 nm CMOS Technology for Small MammaliansIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the IEEE 28th International Conference on Microelectronics", 2016, Herausgeber IEEE
28th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), Cairo, Egypt, 17 - 20 December 2016
Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderTowards an implantable integrated neural recording system for neonatal miceIn Tagungsband "2016 Neuroscience Meeting Planner", 2016, Herausgeber Society for Neuroscience
Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA, 12-16 November 2016
Bibin John, Clemens Spink, Markus Braunschweig, Rajeev Ranjan, Dietmar Schroeder, Andreas Koops, Gregor Woldt, Ilka Rauh, Andreas Leuzinger, Gerhard Adam, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderTelemetric System for Monitoring of Endoleak in Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm using Multiple Pressure Sensors integrated on a Stent GraftIn Tagungsband "12th IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS2016)" der IEEE, 2016
Shanghai, China, 17-19 October 2016
Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderHigh speed digital interfacing for a neural data acquisition system - Enabling of live display functionality for a neural recording systemIn Tagungsband "Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. Band 2, Heft 1, Seiten 87–90", 2016, Herausgeber Dössel, Olaf
BMT 2016, "Dreiländertagung" Swiss, Austrian and German Societies of Biomedical Engineering, Basel, 4 – 6 October 2016
Jan C. Loitz, Aljoscha Reinert, Ann-Kristin Neumann, Fanny Quandt, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA flexible standalone system with integrated sensor feedback for multi-pad electrode FES of the handArtikel in "Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering", vol. 2, Nr. 1, p. 391-394, 2016
F. Quandt, J. Feldheim, J.C. Loitz, D. Wolff, M. Rohm, R. Rupp, W.H. Krautschneider, F.C. HummelEP 5. Decrement of the effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation over time in chronic stroke patientsArtikel in "Clinical Neurophysiology", vol. 127, Nr. 9, p. 234-235, 2016
Aljoscha Reinert, Jan C. Loitz, Fanny Quandt, Dietmar Schroeder andWolfgang H. KrautschneiderSmart control for functional electrical stimulation with optimal pulse intensityArtikel in "Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering", vol. 2, Nr. 1, p. 395-398, 2016
R. Ranjan and B. John and D. Schroeder and W. H. KrautschneiderCapacitance to Digital Converter ASIC with Wireless Energy and Wireless Data Transmission for a Medical ImplantIn Tagungsband "ANALOG 2016; 15. ITG/GMM-Symposium" der VDE, 2016, p. 93-97
Bremen, Germany , 12-14 Sep 2016
Rajeev Ranjan, Alexandros Kyrmanidis, Wolf Lukas Hellweg, Pablo Mendoza Ponce, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderIntegrated Circuit with Memristor Emulator Array and Neuron Circuits for Neuromorphic Pattern RecognitionIn Tagungsband "39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2016)" der IEEE, 2016, p. 265-268
Vienna, Austria, 27-29 June 2016
Rajeev Ranjan,Pablo Mendoza Ponce, Anirudh Kankuppe, Bibin John, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderProgrammable Memristor Emulator ASIC for Biologically Inspired Memristive LearningIn Tagungsband "39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2016)" der IEEE, 2016, p. 261-264
Vienna, Austria , 27-29 June 2016
Diego Lujan Villarreal, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderFeasibility Study of a 1000+ Electrode Array in Epiretinal ProsthesisIn Tagungsband "International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics", 2016
In Tagungsband "8th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology Conference Proceedings", 2016 Barcelona, Spain. June 10-12, 2016.
Diego Lujan Villarreal, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderNovel Method for Realizing 1000+ Electrode Array in Epi- or Subretinal ProsthesisIn Tagungsband "International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics", 2016
In Tagungsband "8th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology Conference Proceedings", 2016 Barcelona, Spain. June 10-12, 2016.
Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderIntegrierter Schaltkreis zur Aufnahme von BiosignalenIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the Workshop Biosignal Processing", 2016
Berlin, Germany, April 7 - 8, 2016
Diego Lujan Villarreal, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderCharge Density Study using Low Electrode Diameter in Epiretinal ProsthesisIn Tagungsband "Conference proceedings ICTOpen2016", 2016
In Tagungsband "ICTOpen 2016 Conference Proceedings", 2016 Amersfoort, The Netherlands, March 22 - 23, 2016
Radu Ciocoveanu, Andreas Bahr and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderDesign of a Rail-to-Rail Folded Cascode Amplifierwith Transconductance Feedback CircuitIn Tagungsband "ICTOpen 2016 Conference Proceedings", 2016
Amersfoort, The Netherlands, March 22 - 23, 2016
Juan J. Montero-Rodríguez, Edgar Eduardo Salazar-Flórez, Paola Vega-Castillo, Jakob M. Tomasik, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Kristian M. Hafkemeyer and Wolfgang KrautschneiderAn Impedance Spectroscopy ASIC for Low-Frequency Characterization of Biological SamplesIn Tagungsband "9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES", 2016, p. 222-228, Herausgeber SCITEPRESS
Rome, Italy, February 21 - 23, 2016
Jan C. Loitz, Aljoscha Reinert, Nils Remer, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderEnergy Minimization during Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation by Charge Efficient Stimulation Pulses - Benefits of Using Short Duration and High Amplitude Stimulation PulsesIn Tagungsband "9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES", 2016, p. 251-255, Herausgeber SCITEPRESS
Rome, Italy, February 21 - 23, 2016
Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderIntegrated 16-Channel Neural Recording Circuit with SPI Interface and Error Correction Code in 130 nm CMOS TechnologyIn Tagungsband "9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES", 2016, p. 263-268, Herausgeber SCITEPRESS
Rome, Italy, February 21 - 23, 2016
Aljoscha Reinert, Jan C. Loitz, Nils Remer, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderUsability of Passive Models for Energy Minimization of Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation - Possibilities and Shortcomings of Analytical Solutions of Passive Models and Possible ImprovementsIn Tagungsband "9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES", 2016, p. 269-274, Herausgeber SCITEPRESS
Rome, Italy, February 21 - 23, 2016
Rajeev Ranjan, Bibin John, Dipal Gosh, Soumil Kumar, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderWireless Energy and Data Transmission ASIC for Blood Pressure Measurement in an Aneurysm ImplantIn Tagungsband "9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES", 2016, p. 256-262, Herausgeber SCITEPRESS
Rome, Italy, February 21 - 23, 2016
Bibin John, Rajeev Ranjan, Clemens Spink, Dietmar Schroeder, Andreas Koops, Gerhard Adam, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderWireless Blood Pressure Measurement Implant Electronics for integration in a Stent GraftIn Tagungsband "Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2016)", 2016, Herausgeber IASTED
Innsbruck, Austria, February 15 - 16, 2016
P. Morel and E. Ferrea and B. Taghizadeh-Sarshouri and J. Cardona Audi and R. Ruff and K.-P. Hoffmann and S. Lewis and M. Russold and H. Dietl and L. Abu-Saleh and D. Schroeder and W. Krautschneider and T. Meiners and A. GailLong-term decoding of movement force and direction with a wireless myoelectric implantArtikel in "Journal of Neural Engineering", vol. 13, Nr. 1, p. 016002, 2016
Bibin John, Rajeev Ranjan, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderWireless Energy and Data Transmission ASIC for a Medical ImplantArtikel in "Activity Report 2015, Europractice IC Service", p. 22, 2016
Cota, Oscar F and Plachta, Dennis and Stieglitz, Thomas and Kundumattathil, Sarath and Manoli, Yiannos and Kuhl, MatthiasIn vivo characterization of a versatile 8-channel digital biopotential recording system with sub-$mu$V RMS input noiseIn Tagungsband "2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)" der IEEE, 2016, p. 6311--6314
Butz, Natalie and Taschwer, Armin and Manoli, Yiannos and Kuhl, Matthias22.6 A 22V compliant 56$mu$W active charge balancer enabling 100\% charge compensation even in monophasic and 36\% amplitude correction in biphasic neural stimulatorsIn Tagungsband "2016 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)" der IEEE, 2016, p. 390--391
Kuhl, Matthias and Manoli, YiannosArea reduction techniques for deep-brain probes with electronic depth controlIn Tagungsband "2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)" der IEEE, 2016, p. 1834--1837
Hehn, T and Hoffmann, D and Kuhl, M and Leicht, J and Lotze, N and Moranz, C and Rossbach, D and Ylli, K and Manoli, YEnergy-Harvesting Applications and Efficient Power ProcessingIn "CHIPS 2020 VOL. 2", Verlag Springer International Publishing, 2016, p. 275--300
Hehn, Thorsten and Kuhl, Matthias and Rossbach, Daniel and Folkmer, Bernd and Mintenbeck, Dieter and Manoli, YiannosStressSens: Drahtlose und energieautonome CMOS-integrierte StressmessungIn Tagungsband "VDE-Kongress 2016" der VDE VERLAG GmbH, 2016

C. Spink, B. John, W.H. Krautschneider, D. Schroeder, R. Fischbach, M. Braunschweig, J.-H. Buhk, G.B. Adam, A. KoopsIntegrated Stent-graft for Wireless 4-dimensional Aneurysm Sac Pressure Monitoring after Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR): First in Vitro ResultsIn Tagungsband "101st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (RSNA 2015)" der Radiological Society of North America, 2015
RSNA 2015, Chicago, 29. Nov. - 4. Dec. 2015
Jan Loitz, Aljoscha Reinert, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang KrautschneiderImpact of electrode geometry on force generation during functional electrical stimulationArtikel in "Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering", vol. 1, Nr. 1, p. 458–461, 2015
Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu-Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang KrautschneiderDevelopment of a Neural Recording Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit for Biomedical Signal AcquisitionIn Tagungsband "BMT 2015", Verlag DE GRUYTER, 2015
49th Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering, Lübeck, September 16-18, 2015
Zhihao PanModeling and optimization of discrete ESD protection devicesDissertation an der TUHH, Dissertation (Verlag Dr. Hut), 2015
Prada Rojas, Jorge Enrique, Krautschneider, Wolfgang, Vega Castillo, PaolaDesign of a Wide Tuning-Range CMOS 130-nm Quadrature VCO for Cell Impedance SpectroscopyIn Tagungsband "6th IEEE Germany Student Conference Proceedings" der IEEE, Verlag IEEE, 2015, p. 7-12, Herausgeber IEEE
IEEE Germany Student Conference, Hamburg, TUHH 18-19.06.2015
Juan J. Montero-Rodriguez, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang Krautschneider and Ricardo StarbirdEquivalent circuit models for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of PEDOT-coated electrodesIn Tagungsband "6th IEEE Germany Student Conference Proceedings" der IEEE, Verlag IEEE, 2015, p. 13-16, Herausgeber IEEE
IEEE Germany Student Conference, Hamburg, TUHH 18-19.06.2015
I. Subbiah, N. Abo Elneel, G. Varga, A. Ashok, D. SchroederLow power on-chip load tracking-zero compensation method for low dropout regulatorIn Tagungsband "IEEE 13th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS 2015)", 2015, p. 1-4
NEWCAS 2015, Grenoble, 7.-10. June 2015
K.-P. Hoffmann, L. Abu-Saleh, J.M. Cardona Audi, H. Dietl, H. Frank, A. Gail, E. Kaniusas, W.H. Krautschneider, S. Lewis, T. Meiners, R. Ruff, M. Russold, D. Schroeder, S. WestendorffImplantierbares myoelektrisches Assistenzsystem zur intuitiven Steuerung einer bionischen HandprotheseArtikel in "Orthopädie-Technik", Nr. 5, p. 36--40, 2015
Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu-Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang Krautschneider16 Channel Neural Recording Mixed Signal ASICIn Tagungsband "CDNLive EMEA 2015 Conference Proceedings", 2015
CDNLive EMEA 2015, Munich, 27.-29.04.2015
Pragoti Pran Bora, Paola Vega-Castillo, Wolfgang KrautschneiderDesigning a Broadband Cherry Hooper BJT amplifier for the 30-50 GHz rangeIn Tagungsband "17. Workshop Analogschaltungen", 2015
Darmstadt, 5.-6. March 2015
C. Spink, J. Buhk, B. John, W. Krautschneider, D. Schroeder, R. Fischbach, M. Braunschweig, G. Adam, A. KoopsIntegriertes, kabelloses, 4-dimensionales Druckmonitoring nach Endovaskulärer Aortenreparatur (EVAR): Erste in vitro Ergebnisse im GefäßmodelArtikel in "Fortschr Röntgenstr 2015", vol. 187, p. RK_WISS401_6, 2015
Becker, F and Kuhl, M and Manoli, Y and Paul, ONeuartiger Smart Tooth mit zehnfach höherer KraftauflösungArtikel in "MikroSystemTechnik 2015", 2015
Zimmermann, D and Moranz, C and Kuhl, M and Freund, I and Müller, C and Reinecke, H and Manoli, Y and Manoli, YOn-Chip Brennstoffzellen als Energieversorgung für RFID SystemeArtikel in "MikroSystemTechnik 2015", 2015
Cota, Oscar F and Plachta, Dennis and Stieglitz, Thomas and Manoli, Yiannos and Kuhl, MatthiasIn-vivo characterization of a 0.8--3 $mu$V RMS input-noise versatile CMOS pre-amplifierIn Tagungsband "2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER)" der IEEE, 2015, p. 458--461
Becker, F and Kuhl, M and Manoli, Y and Paul, ONovel method to operate piezo-FET-based stress sensor offers tenfold increase in sensitivityIn Tagungsband "2015 IEEE SENSORS" der IEEE, 2015, p. 1--4
Becker, F and Kuhl, M and Manoli, Y and Paul, ONovel instrumented tooth with tenfold increase in force resolutionIn Tagungsband "2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS)" der IEEE, 2015, p. 1105--1108
C. Spink, B. John,W.H. Krautschneider, D. Schroeder, R. Fischbach, M. Braunschweig, J.-H. Buhk, G.B. Adam, A. KoopsNon-invasive 4-dimensional wireless aneurysm sac pressure monitoring after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR): conceptional design of an integrated stent-graft and first in vitro resultsIn Tagungsband "ECR 2015 Book of Abstracts - B - Scientific Sessions and Late-Breaking Clinical Trials", 2015
European Congress of Radiology, 4–8 March 2015, Vienna, Austria
Kuhl, Matthias and Manoli, YiannosA 0.01 mm$^2$ Fully-Differential 2-Stage Amplifier with Reference-Free CMFB Using an Architecture-Switching-Scheme for Bandwidth VariationIn Tagungsband "Proc. of IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference", 2015

M. Russold, S. Lewis, L. Abu-Saleh, J.M. Cardona Audi, M. Hahn, M. Schiestl, R. Ruff, D. Schroeder, B. Taghizadeh, S. Plümer, K.-P. Hoffmann, W. Krautschneider, A. Gail, T. Meiners, H. Lanmüller, O. Aszmann, H. DietlDevelopment of a fully implantable EMG measurement system: Status report on the MyoPlant projectIn Tagungsband "BMT 2014", 2014, p. S1085
Hannover, 8.-10.2014
Aljoscha Reinert, Jan Loitz, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang KrautschneiderForearm motor point characterization for smart electrode array shapingIn Tagungsband "BMT 2014", 2014, p. S1031
Hannover, 8.-10.10.2014
Iyappan Subbiah, Andreas Süss, Andrey Kravchenko, Bedrich Hosticka, Wolfgang KrautschneiderA Low Noise Saturation-Stacked Bandgap Reference for Image Sensor ApplicationsIn Tagungsband "Proc. International Semiconductor Conference (CAS) 2014", 2014, p. 247-250
Sinaia, 13.-15.10.2014
C. Riggert and M. Ziegler and D. Schroeder and W.H. Krautschneider and H. KohlstedtMemFlash device: floating gate transistors as memristive devices for neuromorphic computingArtikel in "Semiconductor Science and Technology", vol. 29, Nr. 10, p. 104011, 2014
Zhihao Pan and Schroeder, D. and Holland, S. and Krautschneider, W.H.Understanding and Modeling of Diode Voltage Overshoots During Fast Transient ESD EventsArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices", vol. 61, Nr. 8, p. 2682-2689, 2014
M. Ziegler, D. Schroeder, W. Krautschneider, H. KohlstedtMemristive operation mode of floating gate transistors for neuromorphic applicationsIn Tagungsband "DPG-Frühjahrstagung" der Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, 2014
Dresden, 30. März - 4. April 2014
Kuhl, MatthiasFull-custom Analog-mixed Signal Components for CMOS Integrated Autonomous Microelectronic Systems: Anwendungsbezogene Analog-mixed Signal Komponenten Für CMOS-integrierte Autonome Mikroelektronische SystemeDissertation an der Universität, 2014
Kuhl, MatthiasFull-Custom Analog/Mixed Signal Components for CMOS Integrated Autonomous Microelectronic Systems, 2014
Muller, Natalie and Manoli, Yiannos and Kuhl, MatthiasA 1.6 nS, 16$mu$W, 30V Gm-C Integrator for Offset Voltage Monitoring in Neural StimulatorsIn Tagungsband "IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems", 2014, p. 2381--2384
Mario A. Meza-Cuevas, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA scalable 64 channel neurostimulator based on a hybrid architecture of current steering DACIn Tagungsband "Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME 2014)", 2014, p. 111-114
Doha, Qatar, 17.-20.02.2014

Diego Lujan Villarreal, Dietmar Schroeder, and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderEquivalent Circuit Model to Simulate Neurostimulation by using Different WaveformsIn Tagungsband "ICT Open 2013", 2013
Eindhoven, November 27-28, 2013
Lewis, S. and Russold, M. and Dietl, H. and Ruff, R. and Cardona, J.M. and Hoffmann, K.-P. and Abu-Saleh, L. and Schroeder, D. and Krautschneider, W.H. and Westendorff, S. and Gail, A. and Meiners, T. and Kaniusas, E.Fully Implantable Multi-Channel Measurement System for Acquisition of Muscle ActivityArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement", vol. 62, Nr. 7, p. 1972-1981, 2013
A. Koops, B.T. Bradford, D. Schroeder, W.H. Krautschneider, G. Adam, J.H. BuhkAn integrated stent-graft for noninvasive 4-dimensional aneurysm sac pressure monitoring after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR): First in vivo results in a porcine modelArtikel in "Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology", vol. 24, Nr. 4, p. S176, 2013
B. Bradford, D. Schroeder, W. KrautschneiderA gain boosted folded cascode using telescopic boosting amplifiers with switched capacitor input level shiftersIn Tagungsband "Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2013)", 2013, p. 89-96
February 13-15, 2013 Innsbruck, Austria
Ricardo Starbird, Wolfgang Krautschneider, Grit Blume, and Wolfgang BauhoferIn Vitro Biocompatibility Study and Electrical Properties of the PEDOT, PEDOT Collagen-Coat, PEDOT Nanotubes and PEDOT Aerogels for Neural ElectrodesIn Tagungsband "Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2013)", 2013
February 13-15, 2013 Innsbruck, Austria
B.T. Bradford, W. Krautschneider, D. SchroederDesign of a Switched Capacitor Fully Differential Capacitive Pressure Sensor with Unbalanced Parasitic Input Capacitances in 130 nm CMOS TechnologyIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES 2013)", Verlag SCITEPRESS, 2013, Nr. 38, p. 137-142
Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 February, 2013
J.M. Tomasik, W. Galjan, K.M. Hafkemeyer, D. Schroeder, W.H. KrautschneiderA configurable integrated circuit for biomedical signal acquisitionIn Tagungsband "Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2011)", Verlag Springer, 2013, vol. 273, p. 43-56
4th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2011, Rome, Italy, 26-29 January 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Kuhl, Matthias and Gieschke, Pascal and Rossbach, Daniel and Hilzensauer, Sascha A and Panchaphongsaphak, Thanapon and Ruther, Patrick and Lapatki, Bernd G and Paul, Oliver and Manoli, YiannosA wireless stress mapping system for orthodontic brackets using CMOS integrated sensorsArtikel in "IEEE journal of solid-state circuits", vol. 48, Nr. 9, p. 2191--2202, 2013
Moranz, C and Kuhl, M and Zimmermann, D and Becker, J and Müller, C and Reinecke, H and Manoli, YCMOS integrierte Spannungsversorgung basierend auf Mikro-BrennstoffzellenArtikel in "Mikrosystemtechnik 2013", 2013
Kuhl, Matthias and Gieschke, Pascal and Paul, Oliver and Manoli, YiannosEin CMOS-Stresskartierungssystem mit 24 FET-basierten Stresssensoren für intelligente kieferorthopädische BracketsArtikel in "Mikrosystemtechnik 2013", 2013
Nashwa Abo Elneel, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang KrautschneiderProgrammable 2-channel ASIC for portable long-term monitoring of biomedical signalsArtikel in "Activity Report 2012, Europractice IC Service", p. 16-17, 2013
Rajeev Ranjan, Bryce BradfordImpact of process scaling on analog design performance from 350nm to 40nmIn Tagungsband "4th IEEE Germany Student Conference Proceedings", 2013
Hamburg , 6th-7th june 2013

M. Ziegler, M. Oberländer, D. Schroeder, W.H. Krautschneider, H. KohlstedtMemristive operation mode of floating gate transistors: A two-terminal MemFlash-cellArtikel in "Applied Physics Letters", vol. 101, p. 263504, 2012
Farzad Hosseini, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderCapacitive sensors for detection of the movement artifacts in active capacitive electrocardiography electrodesIn Tagungsband "BMEiCON 2012", 2012
BMEiCON 2012, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, 5-7 Dec 2012
Ricardo Starbird, Wolfgang Bauhofer, Mario A. Meza-Cuevas and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderEffect of experimental factors on the properties of PEDOT-NaPSS galvanostatically deposited from an aqueous micellar media for invasive electrodesIn Tagungsband "BMEiCON 2012", 2012
BMEiCON 2012, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, 5-7 Dec 2012
Mario A. Meza-Cuevas, Karthik Ramesh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderHybrid architecture of a DAC for neurostimulationIn Tagungsband "BMEiCON 2012", 2012
BMEiCON 2012, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, 5-7 Dec 2012
B.T. Bradford, W. Krautschneider, D. SchroederA 10 bit Fully Differential SAR ADC in 130nm CMOS Technology with Variable Offset Comparator TrimmingIn Tagungsband "ICT.Open 2012", 2012
Rotterdam, 22-23 October 2012
Farzad Hosseini, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderDigitally controlled analog frontend for capacitive ECG measurementsIn Tagungsband "ICT.Open 2012", 2012
Rotterdam, 22-23 October 2012
Diego Lujan Villarreal, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderEquivalent circuit model to simulate the neuromuscular electrical stimulationIn Tagungsband "ICT.Open 2012", 2012
Rotterdam, 22-23 October 2012
Mario A. Meza-Cuevas, Alexander Gummenscheimer, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderPortable Neuromuscular Electrical StimulatorIn Tagungsband "ICT.Open 2012", 2012
Rotterdam, Netherlands, 22-23 October 2012
Mario A. Meza-Cuevas, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderNeuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Using Different Waveforms: Properties comparison by applying single pulsesIn Tagungsband "International Conference on BioMedical Enginering and Informatics 2012", 2012, p. 840-845
BMEI 2012, Chongqing, China, 16-18 Oct 2012
B.T. Bradford, W. Krautschneider, D. SchroederWireless power transmission for powering medical implants situated in an abdominal aortic aneurysmIn Tagungsband "46th DGBMT Annual Conference (BMT 2012)", 2012, p. 887-890
BMT 2012, Jena, 16.-19. Sept. 2012
K.M. Hafkemeyer, A. Domdey, D. Schroeder, W.H. KrautschneiderArray Test Structures for Gate Dielectric Integrity Measurements and StatisticsArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing", vol. 25, Nr. 2, p. 130 -135, 2012
S. Lewis, M.F. Russold, H. Dietl, R. Ruff, T. Doerge, K.-P. Hoffmann, L. Abu-Saleh, D. Schroeder, W. Krautschneider, S. Westendorff, A. Gail, T. Meiners, and E. KaniusasAcquisition of muscle activity with a fully implantable multi-channel measurement systemIn Tagungsband "IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC)", 2012, p. 996 -999
Graz, 13.-16. May, 2012
Kuhl, Matthias and Müller, Claas and Manoli, Yiannos and Erdler, GilbertElectrical voltage supplyVerlag Google Patents, mar 2012
US Patent 8,129,861
Kuhl, Matthias and Müller, Claas and Manoli, Yiannos and Erdler, GilbertElectrical voltage supplymar 2012
US Patent 8,129,861
Lait Abu-Saleh, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Jakob Tomasik,Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA 130nm ASIC for EMG Signal Acquisition to Control a Hand ProstheticIn Tagungsband "BIODEVICES 2012", 2012, p. 149-153
BIODEVICES 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, 1.-4. February 2012
Mario A. Meza Cuevas, Lait Abu-Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang KrautschneiderToward the optimal architecture of an ASIC for neurostimulationIn Tagungsband "BIODEVICES 2012", 2012, p. 179-184
BIODEVICES 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, 1-4. February 2012
Arthur Schott, Wjatscheslaw Galjan and Wolfgang Krautschneider16-Kanal ASIC mit ECoG Signalaufnahmesystemen für neurologische ExperimenteArtikel in "PTB, BBS 2012", 2012
Fabian WagnerAutomatisierte Partitionierung von Mixed-Signal Schaltungen für die Realisierung von Systems-in-PackageDissertation an der Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (Logos Verlag Berlin, Comeniushof, Gubener Str. 47,10243 Berlin), 2012
Farzad Hosseini and Wolfgang KrautschneiderKapazitives Sensorsystem zur Ableitung und Unterdrückung der Bewegungsartefakte in kapazitiven EKG ElektrodenArtikel in "PTB, BBS 2012", 2012

Lait Abu-Saleh, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Jakob M. Tomasik, Dietmar Schröder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderEin ASIC in 130nm-Technologie für die Aufnahme von EMG-Signalen zur Ansteuerung einer ProtheseIn Tagungsband "ANALOG 2011", Verlag VDE-Verlag, 2011, vol. 70, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 155
12.GMM/ITG-Fachtagung, Erlangen, 7.- 9. November 2011
Mario Meza, Lait Abu-Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang KrautschneiderASIC for Neurostimulation with Different WaveformsIn Tagungsband "BMT 2011", 2011
Freiburg, Germany, 27.-30. September 2011
S. Lewis, M. Russold, H. Dietl, S. Westendorff, A. Gail, T. Dörge, R. Ruff, K.-P. Hoffmann, L. Abu-Saleh, D. Schröder, W. KrautschneiderDetection of arm movement from EMG signals recorded with fully implanted electrodes: A case study in a rhesus macaqueIn Tagungsband "BMT 2011", 2011
Freiburg, 27.-30. September 2011
Schroeder, D.Physical foundation of a recently proposed Schottky-contact modelArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices", vol. 58, Nr. 3, p. 874 -875, 2011
Jakob M. Tomasik, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Kristian M. Hafkemeyer, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderAn integrated multi-channel system for biomedical signal acquisitionIn Tagungsband "BIODEVICES 2011, International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices" der INSTICC, 2011, p. 36--45
Rome, Italy, 26. - 29. January 2011
Moranz, C and Kuhl, M and Manoli, YA digitally adjusted power supply for systems-on-chip based on CMOS integrated fuel cellsArtikel in "Proceedings of PowerMEMS", p. 86--89, 2011
Kristian M. HafkemeyerExperimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen der Degradation von ultradünnen MOS-GatedielektrikaDissertation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2011
Kuhl, Matthias and Gieschke, Pascal and Rossbach, Daniel and Hilzensauer, Sascha Alexander and Ruther, Patrick and Paul, Oliver and Manoli, YiannosISSCC 2011/SESSION 6/SENSORS & ENERGY HARVESTING/6.3Artikel in "ISSCC", 2011
Kuhl, M and Gieschke, P and Paul, O and Manoli, YA differential difference amplifier with automatic gain selection as readout interface for cmos stress sensors in orthodontic bracketsIn Tagungsband "2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference" der IEEE, 2011, p. 819--822
Kuhl, Matthias and Gieschke, Pascal and Rossbach, Daniel and Hilzensauer, Sascha Alexander and Ruther, Patrick and Paul, Oliver and Manoli, YiannosA telemetric stress-mapping CMOS chip with 24 FET-based stress sensors for smart orthodontic bracketsIn Tagungsband "2011 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference" der IEEE, 2011, p. 108--110
Manoli, Yiannos and Hehn, Thorsten and Hoffmann, Daniel and Kuhl, Matthias and Lotze, Niklas and Maurath, Dominic and Moranz, Christian and Rossbach, Daniel and Spreemann, DirkEnergy harvesting and chip autonomyIn "Chips 2020", Verlag Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, p. 393--420

Arthur Schott, Lait Abu-Saleh, Jakob Tomasik, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, and Wolfgang KrautschneiderDesign measures for performance compensation of analog circuits during reduction of technology structuresIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2010 Program for Research on Integrated Circuits and Systems", 2010
Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 18.-19. November 2010
J. Buhk and B.T. Bradford and A. Koops and D. Schroeder and W.H. Krautschneider and G. AdamAn integrated stent-graft for non-invasive 4-dimensional aneurysm sac pressure monitoring after endovascular aortic aneurysm repairIn Tagungsband "RSNA 2010", 2010, p. LL-VIS-WE4A
Chicago, Nov. 28 - Dec. 3, 2010
Lait Abu-Saleh, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Jakob M. Tomasik, Dietmar Schröder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderEin implantierbares System zur Aufnahme von EMG-Signalen zur Ansteuerung einer ProtheseIn Tagungsband "BMT2010", 2010
Rostock, Germany, 6.-8. Oct. 2010
Fabian Wagner, Nashwa Abo Elneel, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang KrautschneiderScalable System in Package for Biomedical ApplicationsIn Tagungsband "BMT2010", 2010
Rostock, Germany, 6.-8. Oct. 2010
H. Dietl, A. Gail, K.-P. Hoffmann, W. Krautschneider, T. MeinersVerbundprojekt MyoPlantIn Tagungsband "BMT2010", 2010
Rostock, Germany, 6.-8. Oct. 2010
Bryce Bradford, Wolfgang Krautschneider, and Dietmar SchröderWireless Power and Data Transmission for a Pressure Sensing Medical ImplantIn Tagungsband "BMT2010", 2010
Rostock, Germany, 6.-8. Oct. 2010
Nashwa Abo Elneel, Erkan Aksoy, Dietmar SchroederA power-adaptable A/D converter with integrated data compressionArtikel in "Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing", vol. 64, Nr. 3, p. 249-259, 2010
Pan, Zhihao and Holland, Steffen and Schroeder, Dietmar and Krautschneider, WolfgangImproved impact-ionization modelling and validation with pn-junction diodesIn Tagungsband "15th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes", Verlag IEEE, 2010, p. 287 -290
SISPAD 2010, Bologna, September 6-8, 2010
Fabian Wagner, Nashwa Abo Elneel, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang KrautschneiderDesign and Implementation of an Integrated RF System-in-Package for Healthcare ApplicationsIn Tagungsband "Electronics System Integration Technology Conference 2010", 2010
ESTC 2010, Berlin, Germany, 13.-16. Sep. 2010
Bibin John, Kristian M. Hafkemeyer, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderAn opamp array test structure for stress test measurementsIn Tagungsband "Zuverlässigkeit und Entwurf (GMM-FB 66)", 2010, Nr. 66, Herausgeber VDE/VDI-Gesellschaft Mikroelektronik, Mikrosystem- und Feinwerktechnik (GMM)
4. GMM/GI/ITG-Fachtagung, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, 13.-15. Sept. 2010
Pan, Z. and Holland, S. and Schroeder, D. and Krautschneider, W. H.Understanding the Mechanisms of Degradation and Failure Observed in ESD Protection Devices Under System-Level TestsArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability", vol. 10, Nr. 2, p. 187 -191, 2010
Nashwa Abo Elneel and Fabian Wagner and Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderFloorplanning and Design Considerations of an RF System-in-Package for Biomedical Signal AcquisitionIn Tagungsband "CDNLive! EMEA 2010", 2010
Munich, Germany, 4.-6. May 2010
Bibin John, Fabian Wagner and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderComparison of Decimation Filter Architectures for a Sigma-Delta Analog to Digital ConverterIn Tagungsband "IEEE Student Conference 2010", 2010
Hamburg, Germany, 20.-21. May 2010
Henning KargerSingle Poly Non-Volatile Memory Cells in a 130 nm Standard Mixed Mode CMOS ProcessIn Tagungsband "IEEE Student Conference 2010", 2010
Hamburg, Germany, 20.-21. May 2010
Wjatscheslaw GaljanLeistungseffiziente analog/digitale integrierte Schaltungen zur Aufnahme und Verarbeitung von biomedizinischen SignalenDissertation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg (Logos Verlag Berlin), 2010
Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Medizinelektronik, Bd. 1
Jakob M. TomasikLow-Noise and Low-Power CMOS Amplifiers, Analog Front-Ends, and Systems for Biomedical Signal AcquisitionDissertation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg (Logos Verlag Berlin), 2010
Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Medizinelektronik, Bd. 2
Manoli, Y and Manoli, Y and Hehn, T and Hehn, T and Hoffmann, D and Hoffmann, D and Kuhl, M and Kuhl, M and Lotze, N and Lotze, N and othersApplications of Energy HarvestingIn Tagungsband "VDE-Kongress 2010" der VDE VERLAG GmbH, 2010

A. Domdey, K.M. Hafkemeyer, D. Schroeder, W.H. KrautschneiderReliability analysis of gate dielectrics by applying array test structures and automated test systemsIn Tagungsband "NORCHIP 2009", 2009
Trondheim, Norway, 16-17 November 2009
A. Domdey, K. Hafkemeyer and W. KrautschneiderReliability Analysis of MOSFET Thin Gate Dielectrics by Applying Test Structures and Automated Test SystemsIn Tagungsband "Proceedings SAFE 2009", 2009
Veldhoven (The Netherlands)
F. Wagner, W. Galjan, D. Schröder and W.H. KrautschneiderIntegrated Programmable 2nd Order IIR Digital Filter CellIn Tagungsband "ProRISC 2009", 2009
Veldhoven, The Netherlands
Bryce Bradford, Wolfgang Krautschneider and Arthur SchottBlood Pressure Sensing Medical ImplantIn Tagungsband "SAFE 2009", 2009
Veldhoven (The Netherlands)
Kristian M. Hafkemeyer, Andreas Domdey, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderIntegrated Array Test Structure for Gate Oxide Integrity Statistics and Charge Pumping MeasurementsIn Tagungsband "SAFE 2009", 2009
Veldhoven (Netherlands)
Nashwa Abo Elneel, Fabian Wagner, Dietmar Schroeder, and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA Compact Wireless Sensor Node for Biomedical Signal Acquisition Realized as a System-in-PackageIn Tagungsband "SOMSED 2009", 2009
Hamburg, Germany, 8.-9. Oct. 2009
Nashwa Abo Elneel and Dietmar SchroederHardware-Based Data Compression for Efficient ECG Signal Transmission over a Wireless Sensor NetworkIn Tagungsband "SOMSED 2009", 2009
Hamburg, Germany, 8.-9. Oct. 2009
Klaus Dembrowski, Bryce T. BradfordLow Power Wireless Sensor NodeIn Tagungsband "SOMSED 2009", 2009
SOMSED 2009, Hamburg, 8-9. October 2009
Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Kristian M. Hafkemeyer, Jakob M. Tomasik, Fabian Wagner, Wolfgang H. Krautschneider and Dietmar SchroederHighly Sensitive Biomedical Amplifier with CMRR Calibration and DC-Offset CompensationIn Tagungsband "IEEE Eurocon", 2009, p. 172-175
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 18.-23. May 2009
Frank, Mirko and Kuhl, Matthias and Erdler, Gilbert and Freund, Ingo and Manoli, Yiannos and Muller, Claas and Reinecke, HolgerAn integrated power supply system for low power 3.3 V electronics using on-chip polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cellsArtikel in "IEEE journal of solid-state circuits", vol. 45, Nr. 1, p. 205--213, 2009
Kuhl, M and Frank, M and Erdler, G and Freund, I and Müller, C and Reinecke, H and Manoli, YAn Integrated Power Supply System for Low-Power 3.3 V Electronics Using On-Chip PEM Fuel CellsArtikel in "2009 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference", 2009
Erdler, G and Uhl, L and Kuhl, M and Manoli, Y and Frank, M and Müller, C and Reinecke, HChipintegrierte PEM-Brennstoffzellenkaskaden als On-Chip EnergieversorgungArtikel in "MikroSystemTechnik", 2009
Kuhl, M and Erdler, G and Frank, M and Uhl, L and Müller, C and Reinecke, H and Manoli, YIntegrierte Spannungsregelung und Kontrollsystem für chip-integrierte Brennstoffzellen-KaskadenArtikel in "MikroSystemTechnik", 2009
Nashwa Abo Elneel, Fabian Wagner, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang KrautschneiderProgrammable analog channel for System-in-Package biomedical applicationsArtikel in "Activity Report 2008, Europractice IC Service", 2009
Gieschke, P and Nurcahyo, Y and Herrmann, M and Kuhl, M and Ruther, P and Paul, OCMOS integrated stress mapping chips with 32 N-type or P-type piezoresistive field effect transistorsIn Tagungsband "2009 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems" der IEEE, 2009, p. 769--772
H. Balasubramaniam, W. Galjan, W.H. Krautschneider and H. Neubauer12-bit Hybrid C2C DAC based SAR ADC with Floating Voltage ShieldIn Tagungsband "IEEE Int. Conf. on Signals, Circuits and Systems", 2009
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Signals, Circuits and Systems
Kristian M. Hafkemeyer, Andreas Domdey, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderArray Test Structure for Ultra-Thin Gate Oxide Degradation IssuesIn Tagungsband "IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures", 2009, p. 85-90
Oxnard, CA, USA
Frank, Mirko and Kuhl, Matthias and Erdler, Gilbert and Freund, Ingo and Manoli, Yiannos and Müller, Claas and Reinecke, HolgerAn integrated power supply system for low-power 3.3 V electronics using on-chip polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cellsIn Tagungsband "Solid-State Circuits Conference-Digest of Technical Papers, 2009. ISSCC 2009. IEEE International" der IEEE, 2009, p. 292--293

Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Desislava Naydenova, Jakob M. Tomasik, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA Portable SoC-based ECG-System for 24h x 7d Operating TimeIn Tagungsband "IEEE BioCAS", 2008, p. 85-88
Baltimore, USA, 20.-22. Nov. 2008
Jakob M. Tomasik, Kristian M. Hafkemeyer, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Dietmar Schroeder, and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA 130nm CMOS Programmable Operational AmplifierIn Tagungsband "NORCHIP 2008", 2008
Tallinn, Estonia, 17.-18. Nov. 2008
Nashwa Abo Elneel, Erkan Aksoy, and Dietmar SchroederA Power-Adaptable Entropy-Coding A/D ConverterIn Tagungsband "NORCHIP 2008", 2008
Tallinn, Estonia, 17.-18. Nov. 2008
Kristian M. Hafkemeyer, Arthur Schott, Paola Vega-Castillo, and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderAnalog Circuit Calibration with Single Poly Non-Volatile MemoriesIn Tagungsband "NORCHIP 2008", 2008
Tallinn, Estonia, 17.-18. Nov. 2008
Harish Balasubramaniam, Wjatscheslaw Galjan and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA Configurable Multi-Mode Dual Slope ADC in 130nm CMOS for Biomedical Signal AcquisitionIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2008 Workshop", 2008
ProRISC 2008
Lait Abu-Saleh, Jakob M. Tomasik, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA SoC Based Mobile EEG Signal Acquisition System Using Multi-Sensor-Recording to Reduce Noise and ArtifactsIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2008 Workshop", 2008, p. 291-294
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 27.-28. Nov. 2008
Nashwa Abo Elneel, Fabian Wagner, Dietmar Schroeder, and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderAn Approach for an Efficient Transition from System-on-Chip to System-in-PackageIn Tagungsband "SAFE2008 Workshop", 2008
Müller, Claas and Erdler, Gilbert and Kuhl, Matthias and Manoli, Yiannos and GmbH, MicronasElectric voltage supplyoct 2008
EP Patent App. 20,080,018,466
C. Ucurum, H. Goebel, F.A. Yildirim, W. Bauhofer, and W. KrautschneiderHole trap related hysteresis in pentacene field-effect transistorsArtikel in "Journal of Applied Physics", vol. 104, p. 84501, 2008
Sebastian Georgi, Christoph Weyer, Martin Stemick, Christian Renner, Felix Hackbarth, Ulf Pilz, Jens Eichmann, Tobias Pilsak, Harald Sauff, Luis Torres, Klaus Dembowski, Fabian WagnerSomSeD: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Developing Wireless Sensor NetworksIn Tagungsband "7. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetze", 2008
Berlin, 25.-26. September 2008
Ronald M. Meixner and Holger H. Göbel and Haidi Qiu and Cihan Ucurum and Wilfried Klix and Roland Stenzel and Faruk Altan Yildirim and Wolfgang Bauhofer and Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA Physical-Based PSPICE Compact Model for Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Organic Field-Effect TransistorsArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices", vol. 55, Nr. 7, p. 1776-1781, 2008
A. Avellán and S. Jakschik and B. Tippelt and S. Kudelka and W. KrautschneiderPost Hard Breakdown Conduction in MOS Capacitors With Silicon and Aluminum Oxide as DielectricArtikel in "IEEE Electron Device Letters", vol. 29, Nr. 4, p. 366-368, 2008
N. Van Helleputte, J.M. Tomasik, W. Galjan, A. Mora-Sanchez, D. Schroeder, W.H. Krautschneider, R. PuersA flexible system-on-chip (SoC) for biomedical signal acquisition and processingArtikel in "Sensors and Actuators A: Physical", vol. 142, p. 361-368, 2008
F. Wagner and Ch. Jakobi and J. Tomasik and K. Hafkemeyer and W. Galjan and D. Schroeder and W. KrautschneiderDesign and Implementation of an Automated Test Environment for Signal-Acquisition ASICsArtikel in "SCD Dresden", 2008
F. A. Yildrim, R. R. Schliewe, W. Bauhofer, R. M. Meixner, H. Goebel, W. KrautschneiderGate insulators and interface effects in organic thin-film transistorsArtikel in "Elsevier ScienceDirect Organic Electronics", vol. 9, 2008
A. Domdey, K.M. Hafkemeyer, W.H. Krautschneider, and D. SchroederSimultaneous large-scale reliability analysis of ultra-thin MOS gate dielectrics using an automated test systemIn Tagungsband "Advances in Radio Science", 2008, p. 205-207
Kleinheubacher Berichte
Gieschke, P and Nurcahyo, Y and Herrmann, M and Kuhl, M and Ruther, P and Paul, OIntegrated stress mapping chip with 32 piezoresistive field effect transistorsIn Tagungsband "Proc. Eurosensors XXII", 2008, p. 292--295

A. Weber, A. Birner, W. KrautschneiderDRAM retention tail improvement by trap passivationArtikel in "Solid-State Electronics", vol. 51, p. 1534-1539, 2007
Andreas Domdey, Kristian Hafkemeyer, Dietmar Schröder, Wolfgang KrautschneiderAutomated system for simultaneous large-scale stress test of ultra-thin gate dielectrics to analyse reliabilityIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2007 Workshop", 2007
Kristian M. Hafkemeyer, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Jakob M. Tomasik, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderSystem-on-Chip Approach for Biomedical Signal AcquisitionIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2007 Workshop", 2007
D. Liebig, W. Krautschneider, K. Schünemann, K. Hafkemeyer, and A. DomdeyFirst Principle Cellular Automata Simulation of Transport in Short Channel MOS-FET for Self-consistent Atomistic Modeling of Degradation in Ultra Thin Silicon-Dioxide DielectricsIn Tagungsband "SAFE 2007", 2007
P. Meier auf der Heide, C. Bronskowski, J.M. Tomasik, D. SchroederA CMOS operational amplifier with constant 68° phase margin over its whole range of noise-power trade-off programmabilityIn Tagungsband "33th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC 2007)", 2007, p. 452-455, Herausgeber D. Schmitt-Landsiedel, T. Noll
Munich, Germany, 11.-13. September 2007
W. von Emden, W. Krautschneider, G. Tempel, R. Hagenbeck and M.F. BeugA modified constant field charge pumping method for sensitive profiling of near-junction chargesIn Tagungsband "ESSDERC 2007", 2007
Veldhofen/The Netherlands
Alexander Mora-SánchezSigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital Modulators with a Single Operational Transconductance Amplifier for Low-Power SoC Design in Biomedical ApplicationsDissertation an der TUHH, 2007
C. Bronskowski, D. SchroederSystematic design of programmable operational amplifiers with noise–power trade-offArtikel in "IET Circuits, Devices & Systems", vol. 1, Nr. 1, p. 41--49, 2007
A. Hanoun, H. Manteuffel, F. Mayer-Lindenberg, W. GaljanArchitecture of a pipelined datapath coarse-grain reconfigurable coprocessor arrayArtikel in "Proc. IEEE Intern. Conf. on Signal Processing and Communication", p. 832-835, 2007
Renato Rimolo-Donadio and Antonio J. Acosta and Wolfgang KrautschneiderAsynchronous Staggered Set/Reset Techniques for Low-Noise ApplicationsArtikel in "ISCAS Conference", 2007
Jakob M. Tomasik, Wjatscheslaw GaljanM3C: A Multi Monitoring Medical Chip for Homecare ApplicationsArtikel in "Activity Report 2006, Europractice IC Service", 2007

Böscke, T., Govindarajan, S., Fachmann, C., Heitmann, J., Avellan, A., Schröder, U., Kudelka, S., Hirsch, P.D., Krug, C., Hung, P.Y., Song, S.C., Ju, B.S., Price, G., Pant, G., Gnade, B.E., Krautschneider, W., Lee, B.-H., Jammy, R.Tetragonal phase stabilization by doping as an enabler of thermally stable HfO2 based MIM and MIS capacitors for sub 50 nm deep trench DRAMIn Tagungsband "International Electron Device Meeting", 2006
IEDM, San Francisco
A. Domdey, K. Hafkemeyer, T. Knudsen, W. KrautschneiderFirst principles study of the degradation of silicon-dioxide gate dielectricsIn Tagungsband "Proc. 9th Workshop on Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics", 2006, Nr. 9
Kristian Hafkemeyer, Andreas Domdey, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderDesign of a process-parameter independent test-structure for reliability testsIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2006 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 23.-24. November 2006", 2006
Galjan, W. and Hanoun, A. and Krautschneider, W.H. and Mayer-Lindenberg, F.Distributed processor network on a single chipIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2006 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 23.-24. November 2006", 2006
Rimolo-Donadio, R. and Mora-Sanchez, A. and Schroeder, D.High slew rate configurabel class AB fully differential operational transconductance amplifier for switched capacitor circuit applicationsIn Tagungsband "ProRisc2006 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 23.-24. November 2006", 2006
ProRisc Veldhoven 23.-24. November 2006
Carsten Bronskowski, Dietmar SchroederAn ultra low-noise CMOS operational amplifier with programmable noise-power trade-offIn Tagungsband "32th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC 2006)", 2006, p. 368-371, Herausgeber C. Enz, M. Declercq, Y. Leblebici
Montreux, Switzerland, 19.-21. September 2006
Alexander Mora-Sanchez, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA 3rd-order single-OTA Sigma-Delta modulator for low-power mixed-signal system-on-chip applicationsIn Tagungsband "ANALOG 2006", Verlag VDE-Verlag, 2006, vol. 196, Serie "ITG-Fachbericht", p. 21--26
9. ITG/GMM-Fachtagung, Dresden, 27.-29. September 2006
N. Van Helleputte, A. Mora-Sanchez, W. Galjan, J. M. Tomasik, D. Schroeder, W. H. Krautschneider and R. PuersA flexible system-on-chip (SoC) for biomedical signal acquisition and processingIn Tagungsband "EUROSENSORS XX", 2006
Goeteborg, Sweden, 17th-20th September 2006
Galjan, W. and Hanoun, A. and Krautschneider, W.H. and Mayer-Lindenberg, F.Architectures for system-on-chip computation unitsIn Tagungsband "Kleinheubacher Tagung", 2006
Kleinheubacher Tagung
Tomasik, J.M., Krautschneider, W.H.Review of 1/f noise in MOSFETs and development of an experimental opamp using switched biasing to reduce 1/f noiseIn Tagungsband "Kleinheubacher Tagung", 2006
Kleinheubacher Tagung
Böscke, T. and Kudelka, A. and Sänger, A. and Müller, J. and Krautschneider, W.H.Investigation of the high temperature stability of TiN-Al203-TiN capacitiors for sub 50 nm deep trench DRAMIn Tagungsband "Proc. 36th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2006)", 2006
ESSDERC 2006, Montreux
Weber, A and Birner, A. and Krautschneider, W.Retention tail improvement for 1 GBit DRAMs through trap passivation confirmed by activation energy analysisIn Tagungsband "Proc. 36th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2006)", 2006, p. 185
ESSDERC 2006, Montreux
Paola Vega-CastilloPotentials and constraints of single-poly non-volatile memoriesDissertation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg, Dissertation (Shaker Verlag Aachen), 2006
Carsten BronskowskiProgrammierbarer Operationsverstärker zur Erfassung von bioelektrischen Signalen mit unterschiedlichen Rausch- und Verlustleistungs-AnforderungenDissertation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg (Shaker Verlag Aachen), 2006
Weber, A and Birner, A. and Krautschneider, W.Method of activation energy analysis and application to individual cells of 256 Mb DRAM in 110 nm technologyArtikel in "Solid-State-Electronics", p. 613, 2006
Vega-Castillo, P. and Krautschneider, W.H.Low Voltage, Low Power, Self-Clocked Single Poly CMOS Compatible OTP Memory SystemIn Tagungsband "Proc. XII Workshop Iberchip", 2006
Workshop Iberchip
Pereira-Arroyo, R. and Alvarado-Moya, P. and Krautschneider, W.H.Multi-objective optimization of MCML circuits using a genetic algorithmIn Tagungsband "Proc. XII. Workshop Iberchip", 2006, p. 134
San Jose, Costa Rica
Vega-Castillo, P. and Krautschneider, W.H.Optimization and constraints of single-poly non-volatile memory cells for embedded applicationsIn Tagungsband "Proc. XII. Workshop Iberchip", 2006, p. 120
San Jose, Costa Rica
Alexander Mora-Sanchez, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderPreliminaries on low-power analog-to-digital conversion for system-on-chip design: sigma-delta modulator with a single amplifier and a novel 14-transistor 1-bit full adderIn Tagungsband "XII Iberchip Workshop IWS-2006", 2006
Konferenz San Jose (Costa Rica), 22-24 März 2006
Kristian Hafkemeyer, Alexander Mora-Sanchez, Dietmar SchroederLow-Power Processing of ECG-Signals Using Predictive A/D-ConversionIn Tagungsband "XII Workshop Iberchip", 2006, p. 162-165
Konferenz San Jose (Costa Rica), 22-24 März 2006
R. Meixner, R. Wille, P. Schertling, H. Goebel, H. Harde, K.-H. Steglich, F.A. Yildirim, W. Bauhofer, W. KrautschneiderBottom gate organic field effect transistors made by laser structuringArtikel in "Elsevier Organic Electronic", vol. 7, p. 586-591, 2006
Faruk Altan Yildirim, Ronald Meixner, Robert Roman Schliewe, Wolfgang Bauhofer, Holger Goebel, Wolfgang KrautschneiderPolymer Gate Dielectrics for High Performance Organic Field-Effect TransistorsArtikel in "Mater.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.", vol. 937, 2006
R.R. Schliewe, F.A. Yildirim, W. von Emden, R. Witte, W. Bauhofer, W. KrautschneiderStatic model for organic field-effect transistors including both gate-voltage-dependent mobility and depletion effectArtikel in "Applied Physics Letters", vol. 88, p. 233514-1-3, 2006
R.M. Meixner, H. Göbel, F.A. Yildirim, W. Bauhofer, W. KrautschneiderWavelength-selective organic field-effect phototransistors based on dye-doped poly-3-hexylthiopheneArtikel in "Applied Physics Letters", vol. 89, p. 092110-1-3, 2006

Alexander Mora-Sanchez, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA Low-Power Small-Area 1-bit Full Adder Cell in a 0.35μm CMOS Technology for Biomedical-Oriented System-on-Chip ApplicationsIn Tagungsband "ProRisc2005 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 17.-18. November 2005", 2005, p. 554-558
Veldhoven (The Netherlands)
Roberto Pereira-Arroyo, Pablo Alvarado-Moya, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderApplication of multi-objective optimization with a genetic algorithm for the optimization of CML CircuitsIn Tagungsband "ProRisc2005 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 17.-18. November 2005", 2005, p. 263-267
ProRisc2005 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 17.-18. November 2005
P. Vega-Castillo, W.H. KrautschneiderLow voltage, low power, self-clocked memory read/program-verify circuitry with adjustable operating frequencyIn Tagungsband "ProRisc2005 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 17.-18. November 2005", 2005, p. 303-306
Veldhoven, The Netherlands
Carsten Bronskowski, Philipp Meier auf der Heide, Dietmar SchroederOptimisation of Programmable Operational AmplifiersIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2005 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 17.-18. November 2005", 2005, p. 196-200
ProRISC2005 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 17.-18. November 2005
Kristian Hafkemeyer, Alexander Mora-Sanchez, Dietmar SchroederPredictive analogue-to-digital converter for low-power electrocardiographic applicationsIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2005 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 17.-18. November 2005", 2005, p. 205-208
ProRisc Veldhoven 17.-18. November 2005
Alexander Mora-Sanchez, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderSigma-Delta Modulators of 2nd- and 3rd-Order with a Single Operational Transconductance Amplifier for Low-Power Analogue-to-Digital ConversionIn Tagungsband "ProRisc2005 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 17.-18. November 2005", 2005, p. 259-262
ProRisc Veldhoven (The Netherlands) 17.-18. November 2005
Jakob M. Tomasik, Carsten Bronskowski, Wolfgang H. KrautschneiderA Model for Switched Biasing MOSFET 1/f Noise ReductionIn Tagungsband "SAFE2005 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 17.-18. November 2005", 2005, p. 60-63
SAFE2005, Veldhofen
Carsten Bronskowski, Dietmar SchroederDesign of Programmable Operational AmplifiersIn Tagungsband "IEEJ International Analog VLSI Workshop", Verlag IXL Laboratory Bordeaux, France, 2005
Bordeaux, 19th-21th October, 2005
A. Weber, A. Birner, W. KrautschneiderData Retention Analysis in Individual CellsIn Tagungsband "ESSDERC", 2005
Dietmar SchroederAdaptive low-power analog/digital converters for wireless sensor networksIn Tagungsband "3rd Int. Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES'05)", 2005, p. 70--78
Hamburg, 20 May 2005
P. Vega-Castillo, W.H. KrautschneiderSingle Poly PMOS-based CMOS-compatible low voltage OTPIn Tagungsband "SPIE Conference "Microtechnologies for the new millenium"", 2005, p. p. 953-960
Sevilla, Spain, 9-11 May 2005
Carsten Bronskowski, Dietmar SchröderSystematischer Entwurf von einstellbaren OperationsverstärkernIn Tagungsband "ANALOG 2005", Verlag VDE Verlag, 2005, vol. 46, Serie "GMM Fachbericht", p. 115--120
8. GMM/ITG-Diskussionssitzung, Hannover, 16.-18. März 2005
Alexander Mora-Sanchez, Dietmar SchroederLow-power decimation filter in a 0.35um technology for a multi-channel biomedical data acquisition chipIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the XI IBERCHIP Workshop", 2005, p. 199-202
Salvador da Bahia, Brasilien, 28-30 March 2005
A. Avellan, E. Miranda, D. Schroeder, W. KrautschneiderModel for the voltage and temperature dependence of the soft-breakdown current in ultrathin gate oxidesArtikel in "Journal of Applied Physics", vol. 97, p. 14104, 2005
R. Meixner and F.A. Yilidrim and R.R. Schliewe and H. Goebel and W. Bauhofer and W. KrautschneiderLow-Temperature Process for manufacturing All Polymer Thin-Film TransistorsIn Tagungsband "IEEE Polytronic 2005 Conference", 2005, Herausgeber IEEE
IEEE Polytrronic 2005

A. Avellán and W. H. KrautschneiderImpact of Soft and Hard Breakdown on Analog and Digital CircuitsArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability", vol. 4, 2004
T.S. Böscke and G.H. Gelinck and W. KrautschneiderInvestigation of the stability of organic gate dielectrics by the isothermal transient current methodIn Tagungsband "Proc. 7th Annual Workshop on Future Electronics SAFE", 2004
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
P. Vega-Castillo and W.H. KrautschneiderNon-volatile memory cells integrable using standard CMOS processesIn Tagungsband "Proc. 7th Annual Workshop on Future Electronics SAFE", 2004
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Carsten Bronskowski, Dietmar SchroederA Programmable Analog Front End for the Acquisition of Biomedical SignalsIn Tagungsband "ProRISC2004 Workshop", 2004, p. 474-477
ProRISC2004 Workshop, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 25.-26. November 2004
Carsten Bronskowski, Dietmar SchroederA Programmable Low-Noise, Low-Power Operational Amplifier in a 0.35 um CMOS TechnologyIn Tagungsband "Austrochip 2004", 2004, p. 43-47, Herausgeber Ofner, Ley
12. Austrochip Tagung, Villach, 8. Oktober 2004
R. Göttsche and T. Schulz and N. Brüls and W. KrautschneiderEffective Simulation Framework for Circuit Design with Future Device TechnologiesIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of European Solid-State Devices Research Conference", 2004, p. 385
F.A. Yildirim and R.R. Schliewe and W. Bauhofer and W. KrautschneiderInvestigation of materials and electrode strucutres for organic field effect transistorsIn Tagungsband "Technologies for Polymer Electronics, TPE04", 2004
Int. Symposium Technologies for Polymer Electronics, TPE04, Rudolstadt, 28-30 September 2004
D. SchroederTeaching the systematic analysis of electronic devices with animated presentationsIn Tagungsband "5th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME 2004)", Verlag Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, p. 283--288, Herausgeber Ionescu et al.
Lausanne, 15.-16. April 2004
Bernhard FuchsIntegrierte Sensorschaltungen zur EKG- und EEG-Ableitung mit prädiktiver SignalverarbeitungDissertation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg (Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen), 2004
A. Avellán HampeCharakterisierung von MOS-Transistoren vor und nach GateoxiddurchbruchDissertation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg (VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf), 2004
Fortschritt-Bericht, Reihe 9, Nr. 371Abstract:
Untersuchungen zum Verhalten von MOS-Transistoren vor und nach Gateoxiddurchbruch werden präsentiert. Dabei werden unterschiedliche Durchbruchsarten klassifiziert und Modelle für die DC-Kennlinien sowie für das Rauschen (Random Telegraph Signals) nach Durchbruch entwickelt. Mit Hilfe der Modelle wird abschließend die Funktion ausgewählter analoger und digitaler Schaltungen analysiert. Es zeigt sich, daß je nach Anwendung und Durchbruchstyp in Schaltungen auch nach Durchbruch eines Transistors noch Zuverlässigkeitsreserven vorhanden sein können. Siehe auch http://www.vdi-nachrichten.com/onlineshops/buchshop/literaturshop/langanzeige.asp?vr_id=6723
A. Avellán, E. Miranda, D. Schroeder, W. KrautschneiderConsistent model for the voltage and temperature dependence of the soft breakdown conduction mechanism in ultrathin gate oxidesArtikel in "Microelectronic Engineering", vol. 72, p. 136-139, 2004
Stefan SchwantesPotentials and Constraints of Future CMOS Circuits with Gigabit Feature SizeDissertation an der Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (Shaker Verlag Aachen), 2004

Paola Vega-CastilloLos retos del bajo voltaje en memorias RAMArtikel in "TeraBit", Nr. vol 2, p. pp 8-11, 2003
R.R. Schliewe, F.A. Yildrim, W. Bauhofer, W. KrautschneiderElectrode structures for characterization of organic materials and for application in organic electronicsIn Tagungsband "Proc. 6th Annual Workshop on Future Electronics SAFE", 2003
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
P. Vega-Castillo, S. Dhar, W.H. KrautschneiderNon volatile memory cell for standard CMOS processes: A circuit-level simulation modelIn Tagungsband "Proc. 6th Annual Workshop on Future Electronics SAFE, Eindhoven, The Netherlands", 2003
SAFE, Eindhoven
A. Seekamp, A. Avellán, S. Schwantes, W. KrautschneiderSimple estimation of the effect of hot-carrier degradation on scaled nMOSFETsArtikel in "International Journal of Electronics", vol. 90, Nr. 10, p. 607-12, 2003
R.R. Schliewe, F.A. Yildrim, W. Bauhofer, W. KrautschneiderDeposition and characterization of polymeric layers for organic electronicsIn Tagungsband "Proc. Polytronic", 2003
Montreux, Switzerland
R. Peck, D. SchroederA low-power entropy-coding analog/digital converter with integrated data compressionIn Tagungsband "29th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC 2003)", 2003, p. 173--176, Herausgeber J. Franca, R. Koch
Estoril, Portugal, 16.-18. September 2003
R. Peck and D. SchröderVerringerung des Linearitätsfehlers eines 12-Bit-Charge-Redistribution-A/D-WandlersIn Tagungsband "ANALOG 2003", Verlag VDE-Verlag, 2003, vol. 177, Serie "ITG-Fachbericht", p. 191--195
7. ITG/GMM-Diskussionssitzung, Heilbronn, 10.-12. September 2003
D. Schröder and B. Fuchs and C. Bronskowski and W. KrautschneiderLow Power Schaltkreise für die MedizinelektronikArtikel in "TU-Spektrum", p. 4, 2003
Sommer 2003
A. Avellán, E. Miranda, D. Schroeder, W. KrautschneiderUnified model for the voltage and temperature dependence of the soft breakdown conduction mechanism in ultrathin gate oxidesIn Tagungsband "13th Conference on Insulating Films on Semiconductors", 2003
Barcelona, 18-20 June 2003
Stefan Schwantes and Ralf Göttsche and Wolfgang KrautschneiderImpact of parasitic elements on the performance of digital CMOS circuits with Gigabit feature sizeArtikel in "Solid-State Electronics", vol. 47, p. 1243, 2003
B. Sell and A. Sänger and W. KrautschneiderInterface analysis of atomic layer deposited-TiN gate electrodes on ultrathin SiO2 layersArtikel in "J. Vac. Sci. Technol.", vol. B21, p. 931, 2003
A. Avellán, D. Schroeder, W. KrautschneiderModeling random telegraph signals in the gate current of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors after oxide breakdownArtikel in "Journal of Applied Physics", vol. 94, Nr. 1, p. 703-8, 2003
D. Schroeder, A. AvellánPhysical explanation of the barrier height temperature dependence in metal-oxide-semiconductor leakage current modelsArtikel in "Applied Physics Letters", vol. 82, Nr. 25, p. 4510-2, 2003
A. Avellán, E. Miranda, B. Sell, W. KrautschneiderExperimental study and modeling of the temperature dependence of soft breakdown conduction in ultrathin gate oxidesIn Tagungsband "41st International Reliability Physics Symposium", 2003, p. 580-1
41st International Reliability Physics Symposium
S. Schwantes, W. KrautschneiderTemperature effects in sub 50 nm CMOS circuitsIn Tagungsband "Proc. 4th European Workshop on Ultimate Integration of Silicon, ULIS", 2003
ULIS 2003

S. Schwantes and W. KrautschneiderPerformance improvement of metal gate CMOS technologies with gigabit feature sizesIn Tagungsband "Proc. 5th Annual Workshop on Future Electronics SAFE", 2002
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2002
A. Avellán, E. Miranda, B. Sell, D. Schroeder, W. KrautschneiderTemperature dependence of the hard breakdown current of MOS capacitorsIn Tagungsband "32nd European Solid-State Device Research Conference", 2002, p. 463-6
32nd European Solid-State Device Research ConferenceAbstract:
I-V curves as a function of temperature of broken down n- and p-type MOS capacitors with different oxide thicknesses are presented. In accumulation, a crossover of the temperature dependent curves is observed. At low voltages the hard breakdown current increases with temperature whereas it decreases with temperature for higher voltages. This behaviour can be straightforwardly linked to the available charge for conduction at the electrodes. MINIMOS simulations as well as theoretical considerations were performed that clearly support this idea. The presentation can be found at: http://www.essderc2002.deis.unibo.it/ESSDERC_web/Session_D22/D22_3.pdf
R. Peck and D. SchröderEntwurf und Test eines mit sukzessiver Approximation arbeitenden 12-Bit-A/D-WandlersIn Tagungsband "ANALOG 2002", Verlag VDE-Verlag, 2002, vol. 38, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 331-336
6. GMM/ITG-Diskussionssitzung, Bremen, 13.-14. Mai 2002
A. Avellán, W. KrautschneiderOn-Chip-Stromverstärker zur Messung von Signalen im ZeitbereichIn Tagungsband "Analog 2002", Verlag VDE Verlag, 2002, vol. 38, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 145-9
Analog 2002
S. Vogel and D. SchröderSystematischer Entwurf von Operationsverstärkern für minimale Verlustleistung bei gegebenen RauschanforderungenIn Tagungsband "ANALOG 2002", Verlag VDE-Verlag, 2002, vol. 38, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 297-301
6. GMM/ITG-Diskussionssitzung, Bremen, 13.-14. Mai 2002
B. Sell, A. Avellán, W. H. KrautschneiderCharge-Based Capacitance Measurements (CBCM) on MOS DevicesArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability", vol. 2, Nr. 1, p. 9-12, 2002
B. Sell and D. Schumann and W.H. KrautschneiderFast interface characterization of tunnel oxide MOS structuresArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology", Nr. 1, p. 110, 2002
B. Sell and A. Saenger and W. KrautschneiderInterface Analysis of ALD-TiN Gate-Electrodes on Ultrathin Si02 LayersArtikel in "Vacuum Science and Technology B", 2002
B. Fuchs, S. Vogel, D. SchroederUniversal application-specific integrated circuit for bioelectric data acquisitionArtikel in "Medical Engineering & Physics", vol. 24, p. 695--701, 2002
S. Schwantes and W. KrautschneiderImpact of Parasitic Elements on the Performance of Digital CMOS Circuits with Gigabit Feature SizeIn Tagungsband "Proc. 3rd European Workshop on Ultimate Integration of Silicon, ULIS", 2002, p. 49
ULIS 2002

W. Krautschneider, F. HofmannA trench DRAM gain cell for high signal charge at reduced cell areaIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of European Solid-State Devices Research Conference", 2001, p. 135
S. Schwantes, W. KrautschneiderRelevance of gate current for the functionality of deep submicron CMOS circuitsIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of European Solid-State Devices Research Conference", 2001, p. 471
R. Peck, D. SchröderArchitekturentwurf für einen entropie-codierenden effizienten Analog/Digital-WandlerIn Tagungsband "Entwurf Integrierter Schaltungen", Verlag VDE-Verlag (Berlin/Offenbach), 2001, vol. 164, Serie "ITG-Fachbericht", p. 243
10. E.I.S.-Workshop, Dresden, 3.-5. April 2001
B. Fuchs, D. SchröderPrädiktive Signalverarbeitung für bioelektrische SignaleIn Tagungsband "Entwurf Integrierter Schaltungen", Verlag VDE-Verlag (Berlin/Offenbach), 2001, vol. 164, Serie "ITG-Fachbericht", p. 17
10. E.I.S.-Workshop, Dresden, 3.-5. April 2001
A. Avellan, W. Krautschneider, S. SchwantesObservation and modeling of random telegraph signals in the gate and drain currents of tunneling metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistorsArtikel in "Applied Physics Letters", vol. 78, Nr. 18, p. 2790-2, 2001
D. SchröderMulti-Nature Systems: Optoelektronische, mechatronische und andere gemischte SystemeTagungsband/Vorträge der ITG/GI/GMM & TU Hamburg-Harburg, Verlag TUHH Technologie GmbH (Hamburg), 2001, Herausgeber D. Schröder
3. Workshop in Hamburg, 22.2.2001Abstract:
Veranstalter: Fachgruppe 1 "Allgemeine Entwurfsmethodik und Unterstützung von Entwurfsprozessen für Schaltungen und Systeme" der Kooperationsgemeinschaft RSS von GI, GMM und ITG sowie die TU Hamburg-Harburg.
Thematik: Im Mittelpunkt des Workshops standen Entwurf und Applikation von technischen Systemen mit gemeinsamen elektronischen und nicht-elektronischen - wie z.B. optischen, mechanischen, thermischen, fluidischen oder akustischen - Komponenten. Die Thematik des Workshops umfasst sowohl die Sicht auf heterogene Systeme als Ganzes (Spezifikation, Modellierung, Entwurf, Beispiele) als auch Systemkomponenten (Sensoren, Aktoren, spezielle elektronische Komponenten).
Homepage des Workshops
D. PreikszatMultiple Input Floating Gate MOSFETs in der analogen CMOS-SchaltungstechnikDissertation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2001
Shaker-Verlag (Berichte aus der Halbleitertechnik)
A. Avellan, W. Krautschneider, B. SellSoftbreakdown and RTS in gate and drain currents of MOS transistors with ultrathin oxidesIn Tagungsband "16th International Conference on Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations", 2001, p. 375-8
16th International Conference on Noise in Physical Systems

R. Göttsche, A. Avellan, D. Preikszat, W. KrautschneiderMultifunktionale Logikeinheiten als rekonfigurierbare RedundanzelementeIn Tagungsband "Mikroelektronik für die Informationstechnik", Verlag VDE-Verlag (Berlin/Offenbach), 2000, vol. 162, Serie "ITG-Fachbericht", p. 151
ITG-Workshop, Darmstadt, 20.-21.11.2000
A. Zuckerstätter, T. Schloesser, F. Hofmann, B. Yuwono, A. Gschwandtner, A. Grassl, G. Innertsberger, W. KrautschneiderDRAM cell with high signal charge and small storage capacitance using the gain conceptIn Tagungsband "Proceedings European Solid-State Device Research Conference", 2000, p. 196
European Solid-State Device Research Conference
B. Sell, J. Willer, K. Pomplun, A. Sänger, D. Schumann, W. KrautschneiderInterface characteristics between tungsten silicide electrodes and thin dielectricsIn Tagungsband "Materials for Advanced Metallization", 2000
MAM2000, Stresa, Italy

S. Vogel, D. SchröderRauschen und Verlustleistung in aktiven, zeitkontinuierlichen FilternIn Tagungsband "Entwurf Integrierter Schaltungen", Verlag VDE-Verlag (Berlin/Offenbach), 1999, vol. 29, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 23
9. E.I.S.-Workshop, Darmstadt, 22.-24. September 1999
G. Innertsberger, R. Jurk, J. Felsner, R. Kakoschke, B. Yuwono, T. Schlösser, W. Krautschneider, A. GschwandtnerThe influence of vapor phase cleaning introduced fluorine on various MOS devicesIn Tagungsband "MRS Spring Meeting" der Materials Research Society, 1999
San Francisco, USA, April 1999
B. Yuwono, T. Schlösser, A. Gschwandtner, G. Innertsberger, A. Grassl, A. Olbrich, W. KrautschneiderReliability of ultra thin oxide and nitride films in the 1 nm and 2 nm rangeIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of INFOS 1999", 1999
INFOS 1999

B. Fuchs, S. Vogel, D. Schröder, R. Paul, U. Rückert, M. Besson, G. von CzettritzAutonome EKG-Elektrode zur kabellosen PatientenüberwachungIn Tagungsband "Mikroelektronik für die Informationstechnik", Verlag VDE-Verlag (Berlin/Offenbach), 1998, vol. 147, Serie "ITG-Fachbericht", p. 137
Workshop, Hannover , 3.-4. März 1998
M. Zwerg, M. Bisping, D. Schröder, S. VogelA mixed-signal interface IC for self-scanning linear photodiode arraysIn Tagungsband "Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference 1998 (DATE '98), Designer Track", 1998, p. 57
Paris, 23.-26. Febr. 1998
J. Malin, D. Schröder, B. Fuchs, S. Vogel, R. PaulIntegrierte Sensorschaltung zur autonomen EKG-Aufnahme und -ÜbertragungIn Tagungsband "Mobil mit Mikroelektronik und Mikrosystemtechnik", Verlag VDE-Verlag (Berlin/Offenbach), 1998, vol. 23, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 119

D. Schröder, U. WitkowskiSimulation of semiconductor devices with non-ideal metallic contactsArtikel in "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices", vol. 44, Nr. 4, p. 679, 1997
D. SchröderBoundary and interface conditions of transport equations for device simulationIn Tagungsband "Festkörperprobleme/Advances in Solid State Physics", Verlag Vieweg Verlag (Braunschweig/Wiesbaden), 1997, vol. 36, p. 266-283, Herausgeber Helbig

M. Brandstetter, D. SchröderInformations- und Integrationsinfrastruktur zur effizienten Realisierung systemtechnischer und technologienaher Design-FlowsIn Tagungsband "Allg. Methodik und Unterstützung von Entwurfsprozessen für Schaltungen und Systeme", 1996, p. 93
GI/ITG/GMM-Workshop, Paderborn, 1. März 1996
G. Hinrichs, D. PreikszatA new process for simultaneous fabrication of a buried and a surface oxide layerArtikel in "Solid-State Electronics", vol. 39, p. 231-235, 1996
R. Paul, S. PaulArbeitsbuch zu Elektrotechnik 1 (Felder, einfache Netzwerke)Buch, erschienen bei Springer Verlag (Berlin), 1996
R. Paul, S. PaulArbeitsbuch zu Elektrotechnik 2 (Netzwerke)Buch, erschienen bei Springer Verlag (Berlin), 1996
R. Paul, S. PaulRepetitorium der ElektrotechnikBuch, erschienen bei Springer Verlag, 1996

C. Gatzke, D. SchröderTransient three-dimensional device simulation with PARDESIMIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the 1995 Workshop on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave & Optoelectronic Applications (EDMO '95)", Verlag IEEE, 1995, p. 124
London, 27 Nov. 1995
M. BrandstetterAbleitung konsistenter Datenaustauschformate für den analog-physikalischen CAD Bereich durch geeignete Erweiterung der standardisierten InformationsmodelleIn Tagungsband "Tagungsband 7. E.I.S.-Workshop", 1995
7. E.I.S.-Workshop, Chemnitz, 7.-8. November 1995
U. Witkowski, D. SchröderNumerical and analytical modelling of head resistances of diffused resistorsIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes (SISDEP '95)", Verlag Springer Verlag (Wien), 1995, p. 155, Herausgeber Ryssel, Pichler
Erlangen, 6.-8. Sept. 1995
U. Witkowski, D. SchröderSimulation of the forward behaviour of hybrid Schottky-/pn- diodesIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes (SISDEP '95)", Verlag Springer Verlag (Wien), 1995, p. 356, Herausgeber Ryssel, Pichler
Erlangen, 6-8 Sept. 1995
R. PaulDigitale Grundschaltungen, Beitrag zum "Handbuch der Schaltungstechnik"Buch, erschienen bei Teubner Verlag (Stuttgart), 1995
R. PaulElektrotechnik und Elektronik für Informatiker, Band 2, Grundgebiete der ElektronikBuch, erschienen bei Teubner Verlag (Stuttgart), 1995
R. PaulGrundschaltungen der Analogtechnik, Beitrag zum "Handbuch der Schaltungstechnik"Buch, erschienen bei Teubner Verlag (Stuttgart), 1995

M. BrandstetterFrom the Library Cell to the Produceable DesignIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the Eurochip Workshop 1994", 1994, p. 449
Dresden, 17.-19. Okt. 1994
D. Schröder, T. Ostermann, O. KalzNon-ideal contacts - Schottky diode soft-breakdown and hybrid diode with contact over pn-junctionIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of Processes and Devices for Integrated Circuits (NUPAD V)", Verlag IEEE, 1994, p. 75
Honolulu, Hawaii, 5.-6. Juni 1994
D. Schröder, T. Ostermann, O. KalzComparison of transport models for the simulation of degenerate semiconductorsArtikel in "Semiconductor Science and Technology", vol. 9, p. 364, 1994
R. PaulElektrotechnik und Elektronik für Informatiker, Band 1, Grundgbegriffe der ElektrotechnikBuch, erschienen bei Teubner Verlag (Stuttgart), 1994
R. PaulGrundlagen Elektrotechnik 1 (Netzwerke), 3. AuflageBuch, erschienen bei Springer Verlag (Berlin), 1994
D. SchroederModelling of interface carrier transport for device simulationBuch, erschienen bei Springer, 1994
R. PaulMOS-FeldeffekttransistorenBuch, erschienen bei Springer Verlag (Berlin), 1994

D. Schröder, T. Ostermann, O. KalzNonlinear contact resistance and inhomogeneous current distribution at ohmic contactsIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes (SISDEP '93)", Verlag Springer Verlag (Wien), 1993, p. 445, Herausgeber Selberherr, Stippel, Strasser
Wien, 7.-9. Sept. 1993
O. Kalz, D. SchröderPARDESIM - A parallel device simulator on a transputer based MIMD-machineIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes (SISDEP '93)", Verlag Springer Verlag (Wien), 1993, p. 245, Herausgeber Selberherr, Stippel, Strasser
Wien, 7.-9. Sept. 1993
A. Bredenfeld, O. Schettler, M. Brandstetter, D. SchröderIntegration of EDA and TCAD tools using a flexible design data schemaBuch, erschienen bei GMD (St. Augustin), vol. 765, Serie "Arbeitspapiere der GMD", 1993

D. SchröderA boundary condition for the Poisson equation at non-ideal metal-semiconductor contactsIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits (NASECODE VIII)", 1992, p. 105
Vienna, Austria, 18.-22. Mai 1992
W. Drangmeister, D. SchröderDevice model parameter extraction within a TCAD/EDA framework: automation and integration issuesIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits (NASECODE VIII)", 1992, p. 105
Vienna, Austria, 18.-22. Mai 1992
D. Boning, G. Chin, R. Cottle, W. Dietrich, S. Duvall, M. Giles, R. Harris, M. Karasick, N. Khalil, M. Law, M.J. McLennan, P.K. Mozumder, L. Nackman, S. Nassif, V.T. Rajan, D. Schröder, R. Tremain, D.M.H. Walker, R. Wang, A. WongDeveloping and integrating TCAD applications with the Semiconductor Wafer RepresentationIn Tagungsband "Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Processes and Devices for Integrated Circuits (NUPAD IV)", Verlag IEEE, 1992, p. 199
Seattle, USA, 31. Mai - 1. Juni 1992
J. Blödel, M. Brandstetter, P. Conradi, W. Drangmeister, R. Hartenstein, D. SchröderAn information model describing the exchange of IC technology dataIn Tagungsband "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Electronic Design Automation Frameworks (EDAF '92)", Verlag Elsevier, 1992, p. 9
Bad Lippspringe (Germany), 23.-25. März 1992, Elsevier 1992
D. Schröder, D. Ventura, A. Gnudi, G. BaccaraniBoundary conditions for spherical harmonics expansion of Boltzmann equationArtikel in "Electronics Letters", vol. 28, p. 995, 1992
D. Despres, W. Schellin, W. Jasnoch, F. Diniyarian, A. Bredenfeld, S. Heymann, O. Schettler, U. Hunzelmann, M. Brandstetter, D. Schröder, J. Blödel, K.-H. Schmidt, J. PfeiferThe DASSY PrototypeBuch, erschienen bei GMD (St. Augustin), 1992
D. SchröderThe inflow moments method for the description of electron transport at material interfacesArtikel in "Journal of Applied Physics", vol. 72, p. 964, 1992