Diego Lujan Villarreal, Dietmar Schroeder, and Wolfgang H. Krautschneider
Equivalent Circuit Model to Simulate Neurostimulation by using Different Waveforms
In Tagungsband "ICT Open 2013", 2013
Eindhoven, November 27-28, 2013
Lewis, S. and Russold, M. and Dietl, H. and Ruff, R. and Cardona, J.M. and Hoffmann, K.-P. and Abu-Saleh, L. and Schroeder, D. and Krautschneider, W.H. and Westendorff, S. and Gail, A. and Meiners, T. and Kaniusas, E.
Fully Implantable Multi-Channel Measurement System for Acquisition of Muscle Activity
Artikel in "IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement", vol. 62, Nr. 7, p. 1972-1981, 2013
A. Koops, B.T. Bradford, D. Schroeder, W.H. Krautschneider, G. Adam, J.H. Buhk
An integrated stent-graft for noninvasive 4-dimensional aneurysm sac pressure monitoring after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR): First in vivo results in a porcine model
Artikel in "Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology", vol. 24, Nr. 4, p. S176, 2013
B. Bradford, D. Schroeder, W. Krautschneider
A gain boosted folded cascode using telescopic boosting amplifiers with switched capacitor input level shifters
In Tagungsband "Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2013)", 2013, p. 89-96
February 13-15, 2013 Innsbruck, Austria
Ricardo Starbird, Wolfgang Krautschneider, Grit Blume, and Wolfgang Bauhofer
In Vitro Biocompatibility Study and Electrical Properties of the PEDOT, PEDOT Collagen-Coat, PEDOT Nanotubes and PEDOT Aerogels for Neural Electrodes
In Tagungsband "Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2013)", 2013
February 13-15, 2013 Innsbruck, Austria
author = {Ricardo Starbird and Wolfgang Krautschneider and Grit Blume and and Wolfgang Bauhofer},
title = {{I}n {V}itro {B}iocompatibility {S}tudy and {E}lectrical {P}roperties of the {P}{E}{D}{O}{T}, {P}{E}{D}{O}{T} {C}ollagen-{C}oat, {P}{E}{D}{O}{T} {N}anotubes and {P}{E}{D}{O}{T} {A}erogels for {N}eural {E}lectrodes},
year = {2013},
month = {02},
booktitle = {Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2013)},
note = {February 13-15, 2013 Innsbruck, Austria} }
B.T. Bradford, W. Krautschneider, D. Schroeder
Design of a Switched Capacitor Fully Differential Capacitive Pressure Sensor with Unbalanced Parasitic Input Capacitances in 130 nm CMOS Technology
In Tagungsband "Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES 2013)", Verlag SCITEPRESS, 2013, Nr. 38, p. 137-142
Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 February, 2013
author = {B.T. Bradford and W. Krautschneider and D. Schroeder},
title = {{D}esign of a {S}witched {C}apacitor {F}ully {D}ifferential {C}apacitive {P}ressure {S}ensor with {U}nbalanced {P}arasitic {I}nput {C}apacitances in 130 nm {C}{M}{O}{S} {T}echnology},
year = {2013},
month = {02},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES 2013)},
note = {Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 February, 2013},
number = {38},
pages = {137-142},
publisher = {SCITEPRESS} }
J.M. Tomasik, W. Galjan, K.M. Hafkemeyer, D. Schroeder, W.H. Krautschneider
A configurable integrated circuit for biomedical signal acquisition
In Tagungsband "Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2011)", Verlag Springer, 2013, vol. 273, p. 43-56
4th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2011, Rome, Italy, 26-29 January 2011, Revised Selected Papers
author = {J.M. Tomasik and W. Galjan and K.M. Hafkemeyer and D. Schroeder and W.H. Krautschneider},
title = {{A} configurable integrated circuit for biomedical signal acquisition},
year = {2013},
month = {01},
booktitle = {Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2011)},
note = {4th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2011, Rome, Italy, 26-29 January 2011, Revised Selected Papers},
pages = {43-56},
publisher = {Springer},
volume = {273} }
Kuhl, Matthias and Gieschke, Pascal and Rossbach, Daniel and Hilzensauer, Sascha A and Panchaphongsaphak, Thanapon and Ruther, Patrick and Lapatki, Bernd G and Paul, Oliver and Manoli, Yiannos
A wireless stress mapping system for orthodontic brackets using CMOS integrated sensors
Artikel in "IEEE journal of solid-state circuits", vol. 48, Nr. 9, p. 2191--2202, 2013
Moranz, C and Kuhl, M and Zimmermann, D and Becker, J and Müller, C and Reinecke, H and Manoli, Y
CMOS integrierte Spannungsversorgung basierend auf Mikro-Brennstoffzellen
Artikel in "Mikrosystemtechnik 2013", 2013
Kuhl, Matthias and Gieschke, Pascal and Paul, Oliver and Manoli, Yiannos
Ein CMOS-Stresskartierungssystem mit 24 FET-basierten Stresssensoren für intelligente kieferorthopädische Brackets
Artikel in "Mikrosystemtechnik 2013", 2013
Nashwa Abo Elneel, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang Krautschneider
Programmable 2-channel ASIC for portable long-term monitoring of biomedical signals
Artikel in "Activity Report 2012, Europractice IC Service", p. 16-17, 2013
Rajeev Ranjan, Bryce Bradford
Impact of process scaling on analog design performance from 350nm to 40nm
In Tagungsband "4th IEEE Germany Student Conference Proceedings", 2013
Hamburg , 6th-7th june 2013