Lait Abu-Saleh, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Jakob M. Tomasik, Dietmar Schröder, Wolfgang H. Krautschneider
Ein ASIC in 130nm-Technologie für die Aufnahme von EMG-Signalen zur Ansteuerung einer Prothese
In Tagungsband "ANALOG 2011", Verlag VDE-Verlag, 2011, vol. 70, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 155
12.GMM/ITG-Fachtagung, Erlangen, 7.- 9. November 2011
author = {Lait Abu-Saleh and Wjatscheslaw Galjan and Jakob M. Tomasik and Dietmar Schr{\"o}der and Wolfgang H. Krautschneider},
title = {{E}in {A}{S}{I}{C} in 130nm-{T}echnologie f{\"u}r die {A}ufnahme von {E}{M}{G}-{S}ignalen zur {A}nsteuerung einer {P}rothese},
year = {2011},
month = {11},
booktitle = {ANALOG 2011},
note = {12.GMM/ITG-Fachtagung, Erlangen, 7.- 9. November 2011},
pages = {155},
publisher = {VDE-Verlag},
series = {GMM-Fachbericht},
volume = {70} }
Mario Meza, Lait Abu-Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang Krautschneider
ASIC for Neurostimulation with Different Waveforms
In Tagungsband "BMT 2011", 2011
Freiburg, Germany, 27.-30. September 2011
S. Lewis, M. Russold, H. Dietl, S. Westendorff, A. Gail, T. Dörge, R. Ruff, K.-P. Hoffmann, L. Abu-Saleh, D. Schröder, W. Krautschneider
Detection of arm movement from EMG signals recorded with fully implanted electrodes: A case study in a rhesus macaque
In Tagungsband "BMT 2011", 2011
Freiburg, 27.-30. September 2011
Schroeder, D.
Physical foundation of a recently proposed Schottky-contact model
Artikel in "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices", vol. 58, Nr. 3, p. 874 -875, 2011
Jakob M. Tomasik, Wjatscheslaw Galjan, Kristian M. Hafkemeyer, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. Krautschneider
An integrated multi-channel system for biomedical signal acquisition
In Tagungsband "BIODEVICES 2011, International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices" der INSTICC, 2011, p. 36--45
Rome, Italy, 26. - 29. January 2011
author = {Jakob M. Tomasik and Wjatscheslaw Galjan and Kristian M. Hafkemeyer and Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. Krautschneider},
title = {{A}n integrated multi-channel system for biomedical signal acquisition},
year = {2011},
month = {01},
booktitle = {BIODEVICES 2011, International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices},
note = {Rome, Italy, 26. - 29. January 2011},
organization = {INSTICC},
pages = {36--45} }
Moranz, C and Kuhl, M and Manoli, Y
A digitally adjusted power supply for systems-on-chip based on CMOS integrated fuel cells
Artikel in "Proceedings of PowerMEMS", p. 86--89, 2011
Kristian M. Hafkemeyer
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen der Degradation von ultradünnen MOS-Gatedielektrika
Dissertation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2011
Kuhl, Matthias and Gieschke, Pascal and Rossbach, Daniel and Hilzensauer, Sascha Alexander and Ruther, Patrick and Paul, Oliver and Manoli, Yiannos
Artikel in "ISSCC", 2011
Kuhl, M and Gieschke, P and Paul, O and Manoli, Y
A differential difference amplifier with automatic gain selection as readout interface for cmos stress sensors in orthodontic brackets
In Tagungsband "2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference" der IEEE, 2011, p. 819--822
Kuhl, Matthias and Gieschke, Pascal and Rossbach, Daniel and Hilzensauer, Sascha Alexander and Ruther, Patrick and Paul, Oliver and Manoli, Yiannos
A telemetric stress-mapping CMOS chip with 24 FET-based stress sensors for smart orthodontic brackets
In Tagungsband "2011 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference" der IEEE, 2011, p. 108--110
Manoli, Yiannos and Hehn, Thorsten and Hoffmann, Daniel and Kuhl, Matthias and Lotze, Niklas and Maurath, Dominic and Moranz, Christian and Rossbach, Daniel and Spreemann, Dirk
Energy harvesting and chip autonomy
In "Chips 2020", Verlag Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, p. 393--420