S. Schwantes and W. Krautschneider
Performance improvement of metal gate CMOS technologies with gigabit feature sizes
In Tagungsband "Proc. 5th Annual Workshop on Future Electronics SAFE", 2002
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2002
A. Avellán, E. Miranda, B. Sell, D. Schroeder, W. Krautschneider
Temperature dependence of the hard breakdown current of MOS capacitors
In Tagungsband "32nd European Solid-State Device Research Conference", 2002, p. 463-6
32nd European Solid-State Device Research Conference
R. Peck and D. Schröder
Entwurf und Test eines mit sukzessiver Approximation arbeitenden 12-Bit-A/D-Wandlers
In Tagungsband "ANALOG 2002", Verlag VDE-Verlag, 2002, vol. 38, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 331-336
6. GMM/ITG-Diskussionssitzung, Bremen, 13.-14. Mai 2002
author = {R. Peck and D. Schr{\"o}der},
title = {{E}ntwurf und {T}est eines mit sukzessiver {A}pproximation arbeitenden 12-{B}it-{A}/{D}-{W}andlers},
year = {2002},
month = {05},
booktitle = {ANALOG 2002},
note = {6. GMM/ITG-Diskussionssitzung, Bremen, 13.-14. Mai 2002},
pages = {331-336},
publisher = {VDE-Verlag},
series = {GMM-Fachbericht},
volume = {38} }
A. Avellán, W. Krautschneider
On-Chip-Stromverstärker zur Messung von Signalen im Zeitbereich
In Tagungsband "Analog 2002", Verlag VDE Verlag, 2002, vol. 38, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 145-9
Analog 2002
author = {A. Avellán and W. Krautschneider},
title = {{O}n-{C}hip-{S}tromverst{\"a}rker zur {M}essung von {S}ignalen im {Z}eitbereich},
year = {2002},
month = {05},
booktitle = {Analog 2002},
note = {Analog 2002},
pages = {145-9},
publisher = {VDE Verlag},
series = {GMM-Fachbericht},
volume = {38} }
S. Vogel and D. Schröder
Systematischer Entwurf von Operationsverstärkern für minimale Verlustleistung bei gegebenen Rauschanforderungen
In Tagungsband "ANALOG 2002", Verlag VDE-Verlag, 2002, vol. 38, Serie "GMM-Fachbericht", p. 297-301
6. GMM/ITG-Diskussionssitzung, Bremen, 13.-14. Mai 2002
author = {S. Vogel and D. Schr{\"o}der},
title = {{S}ystematischer {E}ntwurf von {O}perationsverst{\"a}rkern f{\"u}r minimale {V}erlustleistung bei gegebenen {R}auschanforderungen},
year = {2002},
month = {05},
booktitle = {ANALOG 2002},
note = {6. GMM/ITG-Diskussionssitzung, Bremen, 13.-14. Mai 2002},
pages = {297-301},
publisher = {VDE-Verlag},
series = {GMM-Fachbericht},
volume = {38} }
B. Sell, A. Avellán, W. H. Krautschneider
Charge-Based Capacitance Measurements (CBCM) on MOS Devices
Artikel in "IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability", vol. 2, Nr. 1, p. 9-12, 2002
B. Sell and D. Schumann and W.H. Krautschneider
Fast interface characterization of tunnel oxide MOS structures
Artikel in "IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology", Nr. 1, p. 110, 2002
B. Sell and A. Saenger and W. Krautschneider
Interface Analysis of ALD-TiN Gate-Electrodes on Ultrathin Si02 Layers
Artikel in "Vacuum Science and Technology B", 2002
B. Fuchs, S. Vogel, D. Schroeder
Universal application-specific integrated circuit for bioelectric data acquisition
Artikel in "Medical Engineering & Physics", vol. 24, p. 695--701, 2002
Use of highly integrated application specific circuits (ASICs) in
bioelectric data acquisition systems promise important new
insights into the origin of a large variety of health problems by
providing light-weight, low-power, low-cost medical measurement
devices that allow longterm studies. They also promise
significant cost reduction in medical care, as patients in
principle become mobile and do not have to be hospitalized for
observation. We report on the development and successful
implementation of a universal ASIC, designed to meet key
characteristics of a broad variety of bioelectric signals in
terms of their dynamic range, sampling rate and input referred
noise; e. g. Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electroencephalogram (EEG)
and, most constringently, Evoked Potentials (EP). Our approach
for the first time makes cost-effective use of state-of-the-art
microelectronics in medical measurement equipment, thus offering
to replace discrete, single application devices used at present.
S. Schwantes and W. Krautschneider
Impact of Parasitic Elements on the Performance of Digital CMOS Circuits with Gigabit Feature Size
In Tagungsband "Proc. 3rd European Workshop on Ultimate Integration of Silicon, ULIS", 2002, p. 49
ULIS 2002