Adam, Christian and Münch, Matthias and Kleinschnittger, Patrick and Barth, Tobias and Schulz, Arndt-Peter and Bahr, Andreas and Krautschneider, WolfgangRapid prototyping of molds for the encapsulation of electronic implants using additive manufacturingArtikel in "Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine", vol. 6, Nr. 1, p. 1--8, 2024
Rieseler, Jonas David and Adam, Christian and Bahr, Andreas and Kuhl, MatthiasA Compressed Sensing Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Concept for Massively Parallel RecordingsIn Tagungsband "2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)", 2024, p. 1--5
ISSN: 2158-1525
Yang, Cheng and Adam, Christian and Götschel, SebastianComplex Near-Field Measurement Using On-The-Fly Scan with In-phase and Quadrature DemodulationIn Tagungsband "2024 15th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC)", 2024, p. 181-184
Duisburg, Germany, 2024

Yang, Cheng and Adam, Christian and Götschel, SebastianSingle-probe Near-field Phase Retrieval using On-The-Fly Scan and Hilbert TransformIn Tagungsband "2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe", 2023, p. 1--6
ISSN: 2325-0364
Singer, Julian A. and Stramm, Till and Fasel, Jens and Schween, Oliver and Gelaeschus, Anton and Bahr, Andreas and Kuhl, MatthiasFlexible Polymer Optical Waveguides for Integrated Optogenetic Brain ImplantsIn Tagungsband "2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS)", 2023
2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS)
Kim Allinger, Matthias KuhlA closed-loop 12bit CMOS-integrated stress sensor system with 4bit adjustable sensitivity from 178-11kPa/LSB at up to 22.5kSa/s and 5bit dynamic range adjustmentIn Tagungsband "2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)", 2023
February 19-23, 2023 San Francisco, CA
Mohammad Sadeghi, Eric Elzenheimer, Henrik Wolframm, Johan Arbustini, Angeles De la Cruz-García, Christine Selhuber-Unkel, Andreas Bahr, Michael Höft, Gerhard Schmidt, Franz FaupelQuantitative Evaluation of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bio-imaging by Magnetoelectric Thin-Film SensorIn Tagungsband "57th DGBMT Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering", 2023
26.-28.09.2023, Duisburg, Germany (accepted)
MD Wasif Absar, Anton Gelaeschus, Julian Singer, Andreas BahrUltra-Low Frequency Digital Controlled Oscillator using CMOS Thyristor Based Delay ElementsIn Tagungsband "Analog Workshop 2023", 2023
Analog Workshop, München, 2023

Barth, Tobias and Münch, Matthias and Seide, Klaus and Adam, Christian and Krautschneider, Wolfgang and Schulz, Arndt-PeterAdditive manufactured versus traditional osteosynthesis plates - a finite element analysisArtikel in "Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine", vol. 4, Nr. 1, p. 644--644, 2022
Number: 1
Patrick Kleinschnittger, Andreas Bahr, Wolfang KrautschneiderAnregungsimpulsbasierte Impedanzspektroskopie alkalischer und erdalkalischer Lösungenaug 2022
Beim Biosignale Workshop 2022
Nico Hinz, Julius Dehoust, Matthias Münch, Klaus Seide, Tobias Barth, Arndt Peter Schulz, Karl-Heinz Frosch, Maximilian HartelBiomechanical analysis of fixation methods in acetabular fractures : a systematic review of test setupsArtikel in "European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery", vol. 48, p. 3541-3560, 2022
Lukas Rennpferdt, Patrick Kleinschnittger, Andreas Bahr, Hoc Khiem Trieu3D printed silicone spinal cord implant withsub-millimeter feature sizeArtikel in "Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine", vol. 4, Nr. 1, 2022

Adam, Christian and Barth, Tobias and Münch, Matthias and Seide, Klaus and Krautschneider, Wolfgang H.An Electronic Osteosynthesis Implant for Continuous Load Monitoring using a Strain GaugeIn Tagungsband "2021 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS)", 2021, p. 01-06
2021 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Berlin, 7.-9. October 2021
Faragalla, Mohamed and Krautschneider, Wolfgang and Kuhl, MatthiasLow-Leakage Differential-Drive Rectifier as 13.56 MHz Inductive Energy Harvester for Deep Medical Implants with Field Exposure ComplianceIn Tagungsband "2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)", 2021, p. 1-5
Korea, 22-28 May 2021
Singer, Julian A. and Gelaeschus, Anton and Schuster, Christian and Trieu, Hoc Khiem and Kuhl, MatthiasIntegrierte optoelektronische Systeme basierend auf hochempfindlichen Einzelphotonendetektoren für optogenetische AnwendungenIn Tagungsband "Mikroelektronik, Mikrosystemtechnik und ihre Anwendungen - Innovative Produkte für zukunftsfahige Markte - MikroSystemTechnik Congress 2021", 2021, p. 212--215
MST Kongress 2021

Kuhl, Juliane and Mendoza Ponce, Pablo Daniel and Krautschneider, Wolfgang and Krause, DieterAdditively manufactured anatomical heart model for performance evaluation of aortic valve implantsArtikel in "Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine", vol. 2, Nr. 1, 2020
Pablo Mendoza Ponce, Gayas Sayed, Lait Abu Saleh, Wolfgang H. Krautschneider and Matthias KuhlA 1.9 nW Timer and Clock Generation Unit for Low Data-Rate Implantable Medical DevicesIn Tagungsband "LASCAS 2020 - 11th IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems" der IEEE, 2020
San José, Costa Rica, 25-28 February 2020
Johan Solis-Arbustini, Pablo Mendoza-Ponce, Wolfgang H. Krautschneider and Matthias KuhlA 16-bits Pressure Sensing Interface Integrating a 460 fJ/conv Incremental Sigma Delta ADC for Medical DevicesIn Tagungsband "LASCAS 2020 - 11th IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems" der IEEE, 2020
San José, Costa Rica, 25-28 February 2020